Art Review.... the game!
Rhythm Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:
Donatello’s David is younger and more realistic than Michelangelo’s version who is idealized and more mature looking How is Donatello’s David, different from Michelangelo’s version?
Cool colours What are the following:
Light What is this area called?
Illuminated Manuscript This type of writing was said to “light up” because of the frequent incorporation of gold or silver leaf onto the page.
Warm colours Colours containing mostly Red or Yellow
Printing Press This invention, by Gutenberg, caused a growth in education and general knowledge, due to the increase in available written materials.
Demonstrate Contrapposto A body stance that deals with how weight is distributed while standing. The shifting of weight to one leg while the other bends slightly, the hips are angled opposite to the shoulders.
Pattern The repetition of an Element of Design
Orange has been neutralized What has happened to the colour below?
rebirth What does the term Renaissance mean/ translate as?
What is the difference between a Gargoyle and a Grotesque? Gargoyle has and open mouth and functions as a waterspout Grotesque has a closed mouth and only decorative
Contour lines
Yellow-Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?
Kiln Oven used to heat clay to temperatures as high as 2500º
Masaccio Who is known for starting the ideas of visual perspective? Vanishing point
Forms Cube, Sphere, Prism, Cone
Middle class or Merchant class Increase in trade, finance and industry saw the creation of this class of people in the Renaissance time period.
Neutralize To lessen the intensity of a colour by adding small amounts of its complementary colour.
Yellow, Red and Blue Primary Colours
Give interesting history on this… Cupola Dome built in 2 shells Linked ribs and supports are surrounded by interlocking brickwork which all work together to support dome 140 feet in diameter and 300 feet above the floor Created new uses of ramps and hoist to raise roof (unlike previous architects who looked at earlier structures for building concepts
Radial Balance When the weight appears to be circling or moving towards a central point
Fresco - A method of painting on or in wet plaster.
Red has been toned What has happened to the colour below?
Colour Definition is... Reflected light
What was purpose of the buttress and flying buttress? Taking weight off the sides of a building Which allowed for larger windows and higher ceilings
Humanism What is the name of the philosophy that was key to the Renaissance? Hint: Believes human intelligence is limitless Human work has value beyond the Church Art, Science, wisdom knowledge and the Earth itself were to be used to serve humans
Blue-Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?
Goliath’s severed head What is David resting his foot on in the sculpture David by Donatello?
Square, triangle, circle, rectangle Shapes
Who are the Medicis? Rich and powerful family who gave lots of money to the arts.
Coil To roll clay into a tube-like form
Built in 2 shells, one inside the other, then rotated into place. They were linked with ribs and supports by interlocking brickwork so that each helped support the other. How was the dome of the Cathedral of Florence created?
Blue Which colour of Horizon lines corresponds with the cube?
Symmetrical Balance When the weight is evenly distributed on both sides of the artwork
Form Identify the Element of Design used to create the following image.
yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green Tertiary Colours
Transparent Light can penatrate and you can sometime see throught it
Cast shadow What is this area called?
He wrote left-handed in reverse (mirror image) What kind of things did Leonardo da Vinci use in/ on his sketches to prevent others from easily interpreting his notes?
Line Identify the Element of Design used to create the following image.
Achromatic To paint using different tints and tones of a neutral
To Fire To bake in a kiln/ drying by heating
white, gray, black, and brown Neutrals
Orange If you add the following colours together what do you get?
Horizon Line The line where the sky and land appeared to meet.
Core shadow What is this area called?
Painterly Lines Line is created by putting two colour beside each other
Gesture Line What kind of line is used to create this drawing?
Score To rough up clay surface in order to join two piece of clay
Parachute and Helicopter What modern day inventions are Da Vinci credited with inventing in 1480?
Red-Purple If you add the following colours together what do you get?
Asymetrical balance When the weight is unevenly distributed on both side of the artwork.
Tertiary Colours These colours are made by mixing a primary with a neighboring secondary on the colour wheel.
Negative space Is the following image created with positive or negative space?
Analogous Colours Colours beside each other on the colour wheel
Give interesting history on this… First freestanding nude since ancient times Commissioned by Cosimo de Medici Designed to be seen from all angles Head was crowned with contemporary soldier headgear and laurel wreath combining ancient and contemporary traditions Foot is on top of Goliath's severed head
Cool colours Colours containing mostly blue
Name that inventor The Printing press by Gutenberg
4% What percentage of the Last Super is thought to be original? Bonus Question: Why is this painting falling apart so quickly compared to other works of that time? Da Vinci was experimenting with paint, mixing tempera and oil painted together. (oil and water paints don’t mix)
Shape Identify the Element of Design used to create the following image.
Stain Glass Windows created with pieces of colourful glass joined with lead strips
Contrast Differences in an artwork
Purple If you add the following colours together what do you get?
Warm colours What are the following:
Opaque When no light can penatrate
Fresco secco - A method of painting on dry plaster.
Slab A piece cut out of flattened clay (like a cookie cutter)
Light source What is this area called?
Give some interesting fact about this work… Depicts 3 different scenes in the same story (the Roman tax collectors and the tribute money found in a fishes mouth) First use of realistic perspective with fixed vanishing point Light source used is based on actual window in the room
Value This term refers to the lightness or darkness of a colour
Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?
Rhythm The repetition of an Element of Design to create movement
Chiaroscuro This term from the Renaissance refers to the extreme contrast of light and dark in an artwork.
Contour Lines What kind of line is used to create this drawing?
Space The area around, between and through objects in an artwork
Positive space Is the following image created with positive or negative space?
Texture The feel of a surface
Green, Purple, and Orange Secondary Colours
Tint To lighten a colour using white or water
Balance The weighting of objects in an artwork
Linear Lines
Shadow What is this area called?
Sfumato and Chiaroscuro Name two painting techniques enployed by Da Vinci in his painting “Mona Lisa”.
Movement The direction your eye travels through an artwork
Secondary Colours These colours are made by mixing two primary colours together
What technique was used to coat these doors in a thin layer of gold in order to save money? Gilding… Made of bronze and gilted gold
Monochromatic To paint using different tints and tones of one colour
Painterly Lines What kind of line is used to create this drawing?
Emphasis The area your eye is draw to in a work of art (AKA the focal point)
What is a papal state? The Papal States comprised those territories over which the Pope was the ruler in a civil as well as a spiritual sense before
Primary Colours These colours can not be made by mixing any colour combination together
sfumato Painting technique which creates images obscured by a light haze an effect that allowed Leonardo to create a feeling of enormous depth
Yellow-orange If you add the following colours together what do you get?
Clay A natural material used in pottery
Pattern Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:
Pinch pot In clay, a Cup-shape, created by pushing thumb in ball of clay and pulling up on side with fingers while rotating the clay in your hands
Complementary colours Colours opposite each other on the colour wheel
Name that artist Ghiberti “Gates of Paradise” or “East doors of the baptistry of Florence Cathedral”
Slip Clay/ water mixture of mud consistency used to join two pieces of clay and to smooth over clay surface
Unity Similarities in an artwork
Irregular Forms What are the following… be specific
How long did High Renaissance last? High renaissance only last 20 years but produced art that influenced European art for at least 3 centuries
Perspective the method of creating the illusion of depth on a two- dimensional surface.
Neutrals These are not colours because they do not appear on the colour wheel
Reflected light What is this area called?
Vanishing Point The point on the horizon line where parallel horizontal lines appear to meet as the go further into the distance.
New philosophy Human intelligence seemed limitless Works of humans have value in themselves and were not in the service of the Church Arts, science, wisdom, knowledge and the earth itself were in the service of humanity humanism rejects the validity of transcendental justifications, such as a dependence on belief without reason, the supernatural, or text of allegedly divine origin. What is Humanism?
Stain Glass What colourful artwork flourished thanks to the use of buttresses and flying buttresses?
Sculpture A 3-dimensional work of art.
Fresco Painting on a wall with or onto wet plaster
Give interesting history on this… Da Vinci His favorite painting and he carried it around with him his entire life Mystery of the smile? her image is quite similar to his own? Secret lover?
Form 3D Shape
Highlight What is this area called?
Tone To darken a colour by adding black