Expectations higher Children have more responsibility KS2 Break Time - snacks Pencil cases Growth Mind-set More fun!
Pen licence/handwriting Spellings (Friday – High Frequency, RWI) Poetry Fables Plays Instructions Explanations Reports
Group reading weekly Various reading tasks Library visits Reading at home and recording in reading record every night Children are responsible for taking home their book Reading books can be changed when they have finished the book. Assessed every 6/7 weeks. Written in reading record.
Times Tables (Friday) Big Maths Number bonds Mental + and –, x and ÷ Place value Measurements Time Shapes Fractions, ratio and proportion
Daily worship Meditation First Holy Communion for many of the children The Christian Family Mary, Mother of God Sacrament of Reconciliation Celebrating the Mass Celebrating Easter and Pentecost Being a Christian
Light Forces Plants The World Around Us Animals Including Humans Rocks and Soils Taught by Mrs Dunlop Thursday afternoons
History/Geography Art/Design/Tech Rock through the Ages (Stone to Iron Age) Farm to Fork Active Earth Street Detectives Veni, Vidi, Vici (Roman Invasion) Robots
Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age Understanding timelines Celtic stories and poetry Cave painting Telling stories through art Ryanna’s story; a child’s life during the pre-historic era
Charlotte’s Web How farming has changed over time Artwork to represent farming How crops and animals are farmed Understanding where our food comes from
Volcanoes Earthquakes The power of nature Rocks and soils Building a volcano Colour mix painting
The geography of Ware Investigating our school’s location Emil and the Detectives Easter Play
The Roman invasions of Britian Boudicca and the Celts What the Romans did for us Hadrian’s Wall The Roman Army Roman myths and legends
Building robots Understanding how robots are used in manufacturing Improving designs and working to a design brief
Mrs Kee will be teaching music, specialising in learning the recorder. Easter Play Choir
Mondays and Thursdays (Fridays) Correct P.E. kit Tracksuit Note in homework diary if your child is not doing P.E. that day please Hair tied back, no jewellery
Programming Bug Fixing Presenting Network Engineering Communicators Opinion Polling
French used in cross curricular lessons, as well as the register. PSHE across lessons as well as dedicated sessions and circle time discussions
Fun! Recap and securing knowledge from in class It should not take longer than an hour It should not be onerous Learning Log/Maths 4 days to complete the work; set on Friday and collected on Thursday Spellings/Times Tables Given out on Friday, tested on the following Friday
Formative; daily lesson assessments, groupings based on assessment of progress Summative; half-termly teacher assessments completed in class Self-assessment; learning logs, traffic lights Changes in the 2014 curriculum that will particularly affect this Year 3 – higher expectations Age related expectations dramatically rose last year This is the first year your child will be on the ‘new’ 2014 curriculum The curriculum is more challenging but we will get there!
Class behaviour contract I have high expectations for behaviour and learning attitude Behaviour codes
Reports and 1 parent’s evening Updates on the website page Marvellous Me Any concerns? Notes in homework diary Make an appointment through school office
Red Jumper or Cardigan Blue Trousers or Skirt Blue Dress White shirt with a tie White polo shirt Black shoes White socks Long hair to be tied back
Celtic Harmony Stone Age Day – 5 th October Volunteers? Colchester Castle TESCO Farm2Fork Ware Museum Library
I hope you and your child enjoy Year 3 as much as I will. Any questions? Please take a curriculum letter.