Technical Coordinators Meeting Steve Siirila May 11, 2005
Sober Virus Fun Facts 14.4 million messages blocked 5/2-5/9 (typically averages 2 million) 14.4 million messages blocked 5/2-5/9 (typically averages 2 million) 19.7 million rejected due to unknown user (typically averages 600,000) 19.7 million rejected due to unknown user (typically averages 600,000) 442,505 messages detected as viruses during same period (typically 15,000) 442,505 messages detected as viruses during same period (typically 15,000) 30,000+ bounces to common addresses (e.g. hostmaster, webmaster) 30,000+ bounces to common addresses (e.g. hostmaster, webmaster) 145,000 rejected originator addresses 145,000 rejected originator addresses
Server Performance Running at capacity on all servers over the last few weeks (virus bounces, very large mailboxes, SSL activity increased, growth) Running at capacity on all servers over the last few weeks (virus bounces, very large mailboxes, SSL activity increased, growth) A handful of accounts were suspended due to excessive resource usage (> 4GB transferred/day) – many more received warning letters only A handful of accounts were suspended due to excessive resource usage (> 4GB transferred/day) – many more received warning letters only Delayed for a few users on premium interactive server (garnet) due to virus bounces Delayed for a few users on premium interactive server (garnet) due to virus bounces
Hardware Upgrades server hardware will be upgraded over the summer server hardware will be upgraded over the summer Completed upgrade of servers from 6 Netra X1 to 3 V440s Completed upgrade of servers from 6 Netra X1 to 3 V440s Completed upgrade of front-end X.500 servers from 6 Netra X1 to 3 V440s Completed upgrade of front-end X.500 servers from 6 Netra X1 to 3 V440s
Spam/Virus Filtering Planned enhancements: Planned enhancements: –Auto-whitelisting of hosts with mismatched reverse DNS configuration –Blocked mail reporting option Demo Demo –NDN blocking option (for accounts which never send )
Record MTA Statistics 1,606,810 unique IP addresses attempted mail delivery between 5/2 and 5/9 (typically 600,000/week) 1,606,810 unique IP addresses attempted mail delivery between 5/2 and 5/9 (typically 600,000/week) 317,535 addresses seen on 5/3 alone 317,535 addresses seen on 5/3 alone Nearly 20,000,000 block database entries as of 5/9 (previous high was about 7,000,000) Nearly 20,000,000 block database entries as of 5/9 (previous high was about 7,000,000)
Departmental MTA Registration MTAs and other devices which are using the service must register to guarantee uninterrupted service MTAs and other devices which are using the service must register to guarantee uninterrupted service Send IP address, type of device, and contact information to Send IP address, type of device, and contact information to As of 5/10, 74 IP addresses have been registered by 18 different departments As of 5/10, 74 IP addresses have been registered by 18 different departments Cannot be used from dynamic IP addresses! Cannot be used from dynamic IP addresses!
Phase-out of clear-text passwords No general mailings have gone out since last month No general mailings have gone out since last month Mailings to technical coordinators are now in progress Mailings to technical coordinators are now in progress Non-SSL autoresponder now available Non-SSL autoresponder now available –Checks current outgoing SMTP settings –Checks for recent non-SSL IMAP and POP –Mail to:
TELNET Usage 89 unique UMN IP addresses connect successfully per day on average 89 unique UMN IP addresses connect successfully per day on average 50% of connections are from dialups 50% of connections are from dialups Remainder are primarily Etherjack Remainder are primarily Etherjack Users must switch to an SSH client such as putty (Windows), MacSSH (MacOS 9), or ssh (MacOS X) Users must switch to an SSH client such as putty (Windows), MacSSH (MacOS 9), or ssh (MacOS X)
UMCal Beta testing version 10g within the next month Beta testing version 10g within the next month UMCal now has over 5,000 users UMCal now has over 5,000 users
‘Till next month… Steve Siirila Steve Siirila