The Certification Test You Must Complete PPR Generalist EC-6 Generalist 4-8 Secondary Teachers will take a certification test in your content area.
PPR Standards 1. The teacher designs instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment. 2. The teacher creates a classroom environment of respect and report that fosters a positive climate for learning, equity and excellence. 3. The teacher promotes student learning by providing responsive instruction that makes use of effective communication techniques, instructional strategies that actively engage students in the learning process, and timely, high quality feedback. 4. The teacher fulfills professional roles and responsibilities and adheres to legal and ethical requirements of the profession.
Eligibility to take PPR First you must complete CUIN 3323 and INDS 3323 Compete the PPR T-Cert review Submit your certification of completion of the PPR TCERT review to the TExES Academy Coordinator Complete the Practice PPR via the Testing Center Once you have passed the Practice PPR, you must receive confirmation from TExES Academy that you have met all obligations. Complete the TExES approval form and submit to the Educator Preparation Office. The EPO will contact you with information on registering.
Generalist EC-6 Students must take and pass the PPR and be in at least week 6 of the semester prior to student teaching before they are eligible to take the Generalist (EC-6). Students must Complete the EC-6 T-Cert Review. Once you have completed submit to your TExES academy coordinator and then pass the practice test. Once you have met all criteria and have approval you can register for the test.
Generalist 4-8 Students must take and pass the PPR and be in at least week 6 of the semester prior to student teaching before they are eligible to take the Generalist (4-8). There is not a Generalist 4-8 review on the Tcert website but there are math and science 4-8 reviews so utilize those to study. Once you have finished those reviews you must submit a study record to you TExEs academy coordinator which will cover study materials, how you studied, and how often you studied. Once you have received permission take practice test. After passing you will receive confirmation to take register for the official test.
Secondary Content Certifications First you must take and pass the PPR Math and Science students must complete the T-Cert Review. Once finished turn in your certificate of completion to the TExES Academy Cooridinator in the Learn 9 . Those who are seeking other certifications need to submit a study plan. This includes how often you studied, materials and procedures used.
Secondary Content Certifications Complete the Secondary Practice test. Obtain confirmation that you have passed the practice exam, and have met all requirements for the official Secondary Certification exam Complete the TExES approval form and an Educator Preparation Office. An EPO representative will contact you with information on registering with the ETS once your approval form has been processed. Register, study, and take the exam!!!