Invitation to the 57 th Annual Potomac River Festival Fire and Rescue Parade Friday, June 13, 2008 Colonial Beach, Virginia “Nation’s Noisiest Fire/Rescue Parade” Line-up starts at 12:00 PM Judging starts at 4:00 PM Parade begins at 7:30 PM IN FAIRNESS TO EVERYONE, IF YOU ARE NOT IN LINE-UP BY 6:00 PM YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED!!!! Awards will be given in the following categories: Commercial Pumper1-3 Custom Pumper1-3 Rescue Pumper1 Elevated Master Stream(65’ or Less)1 Aerial Ladder/Platform(66’ or More)1-2 Mini Pumper1 Refurbished Apparatus1 Brush Truck1-3 Commercial Tanker1-2 Custom Tanker1-2 Heavy Rescue/Squad1-2 Support Unit1 Chief Unit/Command1-2 Fire Boat1 Antique1-3 Longest Distance(In State)1 Longest Distance(Out of State)1 Best Fire Prevention Entry1 Best Appearing (In State)1-2 Best Appearing (Out of State)1-2 Best Appearing in Westmoreland County$1 *Joe Tate Memorial Award#1 *Charles E. Catlett, Jr. Memorial Award%1 Fire Apparatus Awards Rescue Squad Coming Longest Distance (Air Miles)1 Best Appearing: Rescue Squad (In State)1-2 Rescue Squad (Out of State)1-2 Crash Truck (Light Duty)1-2 Crash Truck (Medium Duty)1-2 First Responder1-2 Basic Life Support Unit1-2 Advanced Life Support Unit1-2 Specialty Award (ex. Bike Team…)1 *Rescue Squad Overall1 (Judge’s Award) EMS Awards *All prizes awarded will be plaques except as noted. Trophies will be awarded for these categories. $Two(2) or more units in Parade. (Colonial Beach does not compete.) #Best Appearing Overall Fire Department in the Parade. %Best Appearing Pierce Apparatus. All Fire awards presented are sponsored by Singer & Associates, Inc.
Parade Rules 1.The Fire/Rescue parade will begin promptly at 7:30 PM and will be held rain or shine. 2.Non-emergency services personnel and children are not allowed to ride in parade vehicles. 3.No sirens or other noise-making devices may be sounded in or around designated areas and the area around the judge’s stand. 4.A distance of 25 feet and not more then 50 feet must be maintained between all units throughout the length of the parade. 5.No parade participant is allowed to throw any object from any vehicle or official cars to parade spectators. 6.Chairs utilized for riders on fire/rescue vehicles must be properly secured and must not exceed 13 feet measured from the pavement to the highest point of the truck with rider. 7.Positively no standing on top of any fire/rescue vehicles during the parade route. 8.The Town of Colonial Beach, Colonial Beach Vol. Fire Department, Inc., and Colonial Beach Vol. Rescue Squad, Inc. are in no way responsible for any damages done to any fire/rescue vehicles before, during, and after the parade. 9.There will be NO alcoholic beverages consumed in the parade line-up or during the parade. The Town police will be watching for drinking in public. 10.Fire/rescue vehicles may be entered for judging in only one category. Any Questions??? Call:Jim Jett (804) Return entry forms to:Colonial Beach Vol. Fire Department, Inc. PO Box 212 Colonial Beach, VA or fax to:(804) Note: All fire/rescue vehicles please report to the firehouse before going to line-up for your entry number. Please put the entry number on the driver’s side front window. Deadline: There is no deadline!!!! You may sign up the day of the parade Awards will be presented following the parade at the judges stand following The Colonial Beach Volunteer Fire Department’s Miss River Festival Pageant The Colonial Beach Fire Department will also be holding it’s annual Miss CBVFD and Baby Contests on May 17 th at the CBVFD Children 6 months to 6 years $20, Young ladies 7-15 $30 For information or to sign up call Bonnie Gouvisis at Miss Potomac River Festival Beauty Pageant Friday June 13, 2008 Registration starts at 4PM at the Firehouse. Pageant starts at 5 PM at the Judge’s stand. $40 Registration Fee For more information or to register contact Bonnie Gouvisis (804) Sponsored by the Colonial Beach Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary
( Please fill out and return this page ) Name of Company:Co.# Point of Contact:Title: Company Address:Phone:( ) City:State:Zip: CategoryPos.##Year Make/Model Unit #Misc. Info Commercial Pumper Custom Pumper Rescue Pumper Elevated Master Stream Aerial Ladder/Platform Mini Pumper Refurbished Apparatus Brush Truck Commercial Tanker Custom Tanker Heavy Rescue/Squad Support Unit Chief Unit/Command Fire Boat Antique Crash Truck (Light Duty) Crash Truck (Med. Duty) First Responder Basic Life Support Advanced Life Support Specialty Unit ## Use this block to indicate the numerical line-up position of the unit(s) you are bringing.
Colonial Beach Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. PO Box 212 Colonial Beach, VA BULK RATE U.S. Postage PAID Colonial Beach, VA PERMIT NO. 27