Development road map February
Hosted: web view Q1 2015Q2 Version 1.5: March / April Decisions (full) Controls (full) Proxy voting Electronic signatures (iOS) Shared annotations PDF pack review Audit trail Bug fixes Version: 2.0? April Annotations in web view Surveys Branding Pick up timezone from PC Unscheduled Approve option before ‘publish’ Side by side agenda Push notifications Public view of board meetings Add risks, minutes and actions into agenda Export to excel for Decisions, Controls and Meetings Add settings area for clients and a billing usage area Meeting agenda templates Manual ordering boards and details Automated archiving Group notifications PDF pack for Decisions Help section on webview Ability to message / in app Personalised notifications Knowledge favourites June Entity management v1 Procedures v1 Guest access Password generation by controllers eMeetMe
BoardPacks On-Site & BoardPacks Q Q2Q3 BoardPacks 365 & On- Site: Q4 Action Management Simple Voting Publish/unpublish June Permissions management interface if possible Increase agenda indent to 4 levels Better 365 web part April Guest access Redaction Knowledge area in app In app voting Shared annotations in iOS app Hide map if no location August Permission trimmed knowledge library with multiple areas if possible January User interface improvements Client details capture Admin management Select and required voters Add a document to a decision & date vote made Unscheduled Customisable publish s Calendar view OneDrive integration Meeting schedule integration Surveys Export meeting to OneNote Archive meetings Recurring meetings
BoardPacks Apps: iOS Q Q1 2015Q2 2015Q3 iOS app: Q4 Watermark Redesign Fingerprint scanner iOS app: Jan Meeting calendar view Shared annotations & +note Add a bookmark to documents Knowledge fav folders offline availability iOS app: April Presenter mode Electronic signatures Personal document area in app SharePoint connector in 365 as Knowledge Proxy voting Password reset Hide password as entered iOS app: June Actions Page count display Expand all button in agenda Pin code access iOS app: August iPhone app iPad Pro app eMeetMe
BoardPacks Apps: Windows and Android Q1 2015Q2 Q3 Windows 8 app: Jan Decisions Windows 8 app: May Controls Password reset Windows 8 app: April Shared annotations Pen recognition Full screen by swiping left Switch user option Windows 8 app: June Actions Branded app Android app: Mar Annotatio ns Shared annotatio ns Android app: April Compatibility with and On- Premise Android app: June Decisions