Welcome Young Detective!! You have arrived at the Concord Crime Bureau just in time. We have a murder that occurred and we need a good young detective to investigate the situation. If you think you are up to the job just click next. next
Here is the information we already know! The President was seen leaving the White House to attend a theater production. The location of the theater is unknown to us at this time. The murderer apparently shot the President with a gun. The rest of the investigation is up to you!!! Receive Your Orders
Who was murdered? When did the crime occur? Where the crime occurred? What actually happened? Why did it happen? Who is too blame? There are several accounts of the situation, so it is your job to find out who is telling the truth!!! Make sure you write down all of the information. In the end, you will be required to write a full report, so make sure you have all the information. Go to the Scene!! Go to the Scene!!
Read this section first to begin your investigation. Click on some of the photo links to see some photos of the victims. Click HereHere After reading the first section continue with this one. Click HereHere Continue on with your investigation….
This is a first hand account of what happened the night of the crime. Click HereHere Look at this picture from the scene of the crime. What information can you tell from the picture. Click HereHere Remember, keep writing down the information we need for a proper investigation.
If you are having trouble with this important job just remember to write down what you think happened. There are several accounts of the crime, so use your judgment as to which account is true. In the end you will need to write a complete report of the crime scene, so take good notes!!! Continue with the Investigation.Investigation
Here is the last piece of evidence we have from the crime scene. Remember to read carefully in order to get all of the important facts. Click HereHere Head back to the station to put your investigation together. Click HereHere
Now you must write a report describing in your own words what happened the night of the crime. Don’t forget to include the valuable information you gathered while you investigated (the 5 W's (who, what, when, where and why). Check the next page to see how grading will work. You can always go back to the scene to re-read the information again by clicking here.here
Rubric for Grading the Report 3210 Source Usage Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information. Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information. Rarely used suggested internet links to find information Made up Information. Proper Information (5 W’s Who, What, When, Where, Why?) The report adequately addresses the 5 W's (who, what, when, where and why). The report addresses most of the 5 W's (who, what, when, where and why). The report addresses does not address all 5 W’s (who, what, when, where and why). The report does not address any of the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where and why). Directions Followed All of the required directions were followed. All but 1-2 of the required directions were followed. Several directions were not followed. Directions ignored. Understands the Purpose of the Assignment Report establishes a purpose at the beginning and maintains that focus throughout! Establishes a purpose at the beginning, but occasionally wanders from that focus. The purpose is somewhat clear but many aspects of the report seem only slightly related. It was difficult to figure out the purpose of the report. Spelling and Grammar No spelling or grammar errors in the report. No more than a couple of spelling or grammar errors in the report. No more than 5 spelling or grammar errors in the report. Report is unreadable because of spelling or grammar errors. Work Cited: RubistarTotal /15
When you complete your report, bring it to class and turn it in to your teacher. After hours of hard work, your job is finally over. Thank you for helping the Concord Crime Bureau with one of the most important crimes in history!
Grade Level – 10 th Grade Unit – Three Branches of Government West Virginia Content Standards and Objectives SS.O research, analyze and interpret primary sources (e.g., artifacts, diaries, letters, photographs, art, documents, newspapers, major political debates) and compare to contemporary media (e.g., television, movies, computer information systems) to better understand events and life in the United States to SS.O develop skills in discussion, debate and persuasive writing by analyzing historical situations and events to Websites Used