PBMS Using the Reports Feature ASCA 1
PBMSystem Reports 1. Monthly Facility Performance Measures Report 2. Monthly Organization Performance Measures Report for DOC or Non-DOC Facilities 3. Yearly Organization Performance Measures Report for DOC Facilities - % and $ 4. Organization Characteristics Report 5. Facility Characteristics Report 6. My Comparative Organizations Report 2
PBMSystem Reports - continued 6. My Comparative Organizations Report 7. Key Indicator Status Report 8. Organization Administrator Facility Data Entry Tracking Report 9. Organization Administrator User Data Entry Tracking Report 10. Monthly Facility Performance Measures Across Agency Report 11. Facility Characteristics Across Agency Report 12. My Comparative Facilities Report 3
1. Monthly Facility Performance Measures Report Purpose - Report of Facility Level Performance Measures and Key Indicators Process: Select one Facility or all Facilities Select Start and End Reporting Months Format: If all facilities are selected, the report will print facility by facility Format – Excel 4
1. Monthly Facility Performance Measures Report – Multi-Months 5
10. Monthly Facility Performance Measures Across Agency Report 6
2. Monthly Organization Performance Measures Report Purpose - Organizational Level Performance Measures and key indicators Types of reports - Two: DOC facilities versus one for Non-DOC facilities Process - Select Start and End Reporting Months If there are no Non-DOC facilities for an agency, the system will not allow the user to select a Reporting Month Format: Excel report 7
2/3. Monthly Organization Performance Measures Report 8
3. Yearly Organization Performance Measures Report -- % Purpose - Organizational Performance Measures that are collected on a yearly basis – Recidivism, Personnel and Fiscal Report is for DOC facilities only Select Start and End Reporting Years Format - Excel 9
3. Yearly Organization Performance Measures Report 10
4. Yearly Organization Performance Measures Report -- $$ Purpose - Organizational Performance Measures that are collected on a yearly basis – Fiscal Measures Report is for DOC facilities only Select Start and End Reporting Years Format - Excel 11
3. Yearly Organization Performance Measures Report - Fiscal 12
4. Organization Characteristics Report Purpose - Organizational Characteristics for a specific month Process: Select Start and End Months Format : Excel report 11. Facility Characteristics Report Purpose - Facility Characteristics for a specific month Process: Select Start and End Months Format : Excel report 13
Organization and Facility Characteristics Reports 14
6. My Comparative Organizations Report Purpose: Allows an agency to compare itself organization against other organizations on a key indicator Options: Comparative organizations must be either DOC on Non-DOC Preliminary task - Generate Potential List of Comparative Organizations to select comparative organizations (Task under to the Menu tab.) 15
My Comparative Organizations Report Select by: General organization information Region (Northeast, Midwest, South, or West) Scope of responsibility Sentence length statistics Crime distribution statistics Inmate demographics Admission status System will generate a list of comparative organizations 16
My Comparative Organizations Report Return to My Comparative Organizations Report Select Reporting Month Select a Key Indicator Select DOC or Non-DOC Facilities Click submit for the PDF report 17
Comparative Organization Report: page 1
Comparative Organization Report – PBMS Graph
12. My Comparative Facilities Report Purpose: Allows an agency to compare facility to facility on a key indicator Options: Comparative facilities must be either DOC on Non-DOC Preliminary task - Generate Potential List of Comparative Facilities to select comparative organizations (Task under to the Menu tab.) 20
My Comparative Facilities Report – Select by: Facility capacity Prisoners Housed - range Security Level Custody Distribution Age of Facility Housing type – dorms, cells, etc. Staff – total &/or number of security staff Inmate Demographics System will generate a list of comparative facilities Select Facilities for Comparison 21
My Comparative Organizations Report Return to My Comparative Facilities Report Select Reporting Month Select a Key Indicator Select DOC or Non-DOC Facilities Click submit for the PDF report 22
Comparative Facility Report
7. Key Indicator Status Report Purpose: Determine which agencies have reported data for the key indicators during a specific month. Process: Select Reporting Month Format: Excel file showing all jurisdictions (columns) and all Key Indicators (rows). Cells marked with an “X” indicate that data have been entered. 24
7. Key Indicator Status Report 25
PBMS Dashboard 26
Login Access PBMS site at User ID: first letter FirstName + LastName Kristen Zgoba = KZgoba Password: Pbms2014 (case sensitive)
PBMS Login New Jersey – Agency = NJDOC KZgoba – Pbms2014 Staff1 Staff2 New York City - Agency – NYCDOC YNewton -- Pbms
Dashboard 29
It will open a new window which will be the PBMS Dashboard, as pictured below. 32
Using the PBMS Dashboard you can run reports based on some of the data in PBMS. The data available to report on is listed in the left column 33
1. Select the data you want to report on using the option in the left column 2. Then select the state(s) you want to report on, along with the month and year you are interested in. 3. Click Apply. --- The data will be illustrated in a chart. 4. Some charts can be exported to other programs, such PDF & PowerPoint while some data can be exported to Excel. 34
You can also request data for specific facilities within a jurisdiction. 35
This chart contains a sliding scale that can quickly and easily change the reporting year and reflect the appropriate jurisdictions for each year. 37