Ancient Civilizations Google Doc activity
4 Categories Aztec Maya Olmec Spanish Conquistadors
Process Get with your group Assign a leader to create the Google Doc Leader- share your Google Doc with your group and with Mrs. Bergmann. Each person make a slide for your topic Present to class
Slides must include A title (your topic) Your name (first and last) Information about your topic Minimum of 1 image related to your topic **** Try to fit all of your info on one slide. Maximum 2 slides. **** Slides should be interesting, not too full and easy to look at/read.
Social Organization What were families like? What kind of jobs did people have? What were the social classes? What were the differences between rich and poor? What was important to the culture?
Customs and traditions What were family roles (men, women and children). What games, sports, pastimes, etc. were practiced? Homes, clothing style, festivals, etc.
Language What language did they speak? Were there other ways of communicating? How did people share ideas? How was history recorded? Were there written codices?
Arts and literature What products of human imagination were created? How was the culture reflected and shared? Architecture, clothing style, artifacts, paintings, creations, food, etc.
Religion What were the groups beliefs? What practices were done? Why? What kind of things were built in order to carry out religious practices?
Government How were the people ruled? Who was in charge? What rules did people have to follow? Was there a type of military?
Economic system? What kind of economic system was used? How did people come across goods? Was there money, trade, etc.? What was valued? Were there markets? What was exchanged? How?
Map Where was your civilization located? Did they spread out or conquer anyone? Are they still around? Or did they fall?
Grading TopicPoints Title and name on slide2 A good amount of information on the slide (not too much and not too little). 5 Image included3 Presentation of your slide5 Teamwork5 Total20 points
Final Thoughts… What do I do when I’m finished with my slide? -Help your group members finish their slide -Work on the layout/design of the slideshow -Practice your presentation -Groups should NOT work on the design until everyone is finished with their slides. -You can find a copy of this slideshow and the 7 Elements of Culture on Mrs. B’s website, under Central America.