Accelerator and NuMI Upgrades Shutdown Update Cons Gattuso July 02, 2012 July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso1
Accelerator and NuMI Upgrades April 30,2012 Cons Gattuso, AEM2 Recycler Ring, RR New injection line into RR 30% Done RR/MI 30 Straight Section Ecool Decommissioning Done RR30 Reinstallation Extraction line Installation New 53 MHz RF system Instrumentation Upgrades 65% Done New abort kickers 5% Done Decommissioning of pbar components 95% Done Main Injector Two 53 MHz cavities 65% Done Quad Power Supply Upgrade -Done Low Level RF System NuMI Change to medium energy beam configuration (new target, horn, configuration) 35% Done Cooling & power supply upgrades 35% Done
NuMI Target Hall Status New NoVA/ANU Target Pile fan cooling coil – Identified leaks in two original cooling coils – Disconnected leaking cooling coils and replaced(2) Installation of new DP dehumidifier condenser unit –Complete installation of the condenser coil housing –Complete reconfiguration of SR-3 ductwork above Target Pile fan housing –DP dehumidifiers units 4 &5 blower units not operating, those have since been repaired Target Pile dehumidifier repairs & upgrades –Install new diffuser cones for blow housing –Install remaining duct work July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso3
DP Dehumidifier Condenser Unit July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso4
TP Dehumidifier Upgrades July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso5
Horn 1 and 2 RAW water systems NoVA/ANU upgrade –Completed Relocate target chase components –Horn 1 to morgue –Target to morgue –Horn 2 to work cell NoVA Horn 2 relocation –Remove R-block positioning strap –Relocated blue blocks from top of air dam –Cut out & remove welded sheet metal air dam –Remove 8 blue blocks from under air dam –Placed blue blocks in individual coffins –Move coffins to APO for temp storage July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso6
Horn 1 RAW Skid Complete July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso7
Target Hall Rail System July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso8
T-Block Storage Area July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso9
Target Hall Chase July 2, 2012 Cons Gattuso10
RR/MI Issues Encountered Injection Line –Assembly drawings –Interferences Magnets/stands Support structures Bake out systems –Heater Tape Failure Taking partial shipment of new tape from vendor Heater controller issues –Expertise issues Crew structure Vacuum components delayed –Beam pipe Meeting our Specifications Spool pieces creation –Off Project beam pipe expansion in the 400 and 520 regions July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 11 RR RF cavities –Vacuum issues –External water line installation NuMI Cable Penetrations –Q620 cross over Cable penetration failing Main Injector General Maintenance –Water leak on Main Dipole MI327 Fixed Instrumentation –Multiwires (MI/RR/NuMI) Ti wire manufacture delay Split plan type stop issue –Slower motor –BPM Rack cabling issues 10% failure rate
Starting Plan Cons Gattuso 12 July 2, M 2M 3M 4M 7M 6M5M8M9M10M11M Jan 2013
Current Schedule 13 1M 2M 3M 4M 7M 6M5M8M9M10M11M RR RF shifted later MI Aperture upgrade Jan 2013
MI/RR Shutdown 2012 Mount Ranson New Cable pull approach has cut time nearly in half for cable pulls. Cable spooled to specific length Total cables pulls for the shutdown come to ~80 miles of cable. 3/4 of a service building pulls
MI/RR Shutdown 2012 June MIRF 4A in place Ion Pump Reconfiguration
NuMI V108 Cable that failed last year June
MI/NuMI Cable Penetration
E-cool Section
Lack of E-Cool
MI Mask at 307 July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso ft
Injection line July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 21
July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 22
July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 23
July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 24
Injection line July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 25
MI-30 shielding July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 26 5 pallets of lead blankets ~10-15 K lbs of lead
WWW-Cons July 2, 2012Cons Gattuso 27