The Traditional System Development Life Cycle There are a number of important steps in the creation of a system, regardless of which approach you use. You may choose to ignore some of these steps and combine others, but all need to be considered. The traditional system development life cycle (SDLC) makes all these steps explicit. At the highest level, there are three steps: Analysis Design and construction Implementation (and continuing Operations)
The Traditional System Development Life Cycle I. Analysis Go? No go? 1.Initiation (e.g., an RFP) 2.Feasibility study Technical – can we build it? Economic – should we build it? Operational – if we build it, will it be used? Schedule – will it be ready in time? 3.Requirements definition 4.Specifications 5.Project plan
The Traditional System Development Life Cycle II. Design 6. Logical design (i.e., the external view) 7. Physical design (i.e., the internal view) 8. Coding (or code acquisition) 9. Testing
The Traditional System Development Life Cycle III. Implementation 10. Documentation – ouch! This should have been done all along! 11. Conversion Direct Parallel Pilot Phased 12. Training – both initial and continuing Users I/S staff Management 13. Installation
The Traditional System Development Life Cycle IV. Operations 14. Production 15. Post-implementation audit 16. Maintenance
The Traditional System Development Life Cycle Why conduct a post-implementation audit? To answer these four questions: 1.Did we deliver the system that we promised to deliver; it is working as promised? If not, we should fix it. 2.If it is working as promised, is the user harvesting the benefits; i.e., achieving the economic results that he promised to achieve? If not, he should be made to do so. 3.Are there new features that should be added to the system? 4.What have we learned from this project that can help us with how we do projects in the future?
The Traditional System Development Life Cycle What is maintenance? “It is post-implementation software development, designed to ensure the continued effectiveness of the software in question.” There are three types of maintenance: 1.Corrective 2.Adaptive 3.Perfective How should maintenance be managed? 1.“Cradle-to-grave”; those who built it, maintain it. 2.Separate maintenance department. 3.Outsource the maintenance to a third party.