1 Construction Assessment Hearing October 3, 2002 Shawnee Middle School Cafeteria
2 Overview of Tonight’s Meeting: I. Review the objective of tonight’s meeting. II. Review the history of the project. III. Review the proposed sewer layout. IV. Review the statutory procedures. V. Review the project cost and financing. VI. Review the tentative schedule. VII. Review easement acquisitions. VIII. Questions and answers.
3 This meeting will provide for public participation on the consideration of the construction assessments for the Oakview Subdivision Area. This project consists of providing sanitary sewer service to the Oakview Subdivision Area, Zurmehly Road, Wapak Road, and Nancy Sue Drive. Discussion items will include cost of sewer lines and locations, tentative cost for construction and schedules. I. Meeting Objective
4 II. Project History April, 1999Allen County Health Department completes evaluations of 13 on lot home systems. April 27, 1999Water test samples were collected from ditches. June 10, 1999Second set of water test samples were collected from ditches. Testing TableTesting Table August, 1999Letters were mailed by Allen County Health Department to homeowners of the Oakview Subdivision explaining pollution problem in the ditches. November 17, 1999 Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) contacted the Board of County Commissioners and informed the board to submit a Permit To Install (PTI) within six month outlining the sewerage improvements necessary to alleviate the pollution problem in the Oakview Subdivision.
5 II. Project History (continued) December 7, 1999 Informational Meeting is held to explain the details of the project. December 15, 2000 OEPA issued Draft Orders to sewer the project area. Consent OrdersConsent Orders February 24, 2000 Detailed Planning Hearing was held to discuss and explain the project. May 23, 2001 Construction Assessment Hearing. August 29, 2002 Board of County Commissioners dismiss the proceedings of the May 23, 2002 Construction Assessment Hearing, set a new hearing date for September 18, September 5, 2002 Board of County Commissioners revise Construction Assessment Hearing date to October 3, October 3, 2002 Second Construction Assessment Hearing.
6 Proposed Party Boundary Proposed Sewer Proposed Pump Station Site III. Proposed Oakview Subdivision Sewer Layout Proposed Force Main Existing Pump Station Site
7 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Zurmehly Rd. 15” Sanitary Sewer 12” Sanitary Sewer N Amanda Lakes #3 Subdivision Existing Pump Station Zurmehly Rd.
8 12” Sanitary Sewer III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Zurmehly Rd. N S.R. 501 Zurmehly Rd. Nancy Sue 8” Sanitary Sewer
9 12” Sanitary Sewer III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Nancy Sue Dr. 8” Sanitary Sewer N Nancy Sue Drive Zurmehly Rd.
10 12” Sanitary Sewer III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) S.R ” Force Main N S.R. 501
11 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Fort Amanda Rd. 8” Sanitary Sewer N Fort Amanda Rd. Wayside Drive Forest Drive Fairgreen Drive
12 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Fairgreen Dr. 8” Sanitary Sewer N Fairgreen Drive Ft. Amand Rd.
13 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Fairgreen Dr. 8” Sanitary Sewer N Fairgreen Drive Maple Dr.
14 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (Cont.) Forest Dr. 8” Sanitary Sewer N Forest Drive Parkway St. Ft. Amanda Rd.
15 8” Sanitary Sewer Lift Station 4” Force Main III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Forest Dr. N Forest Drive Maple Dr.
16 8” Sanitary Sewer III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Wayside Drive N Wayside Drive Parkway St. Ft. Amanda Rd.
17 8” Sanitary Sewer III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Parkway St. N Parkway Street Wayside Dr. Forest Dr.
18 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Maple Drive 8” Sanitary Sewer N Maple Drive Fairgreen Dr. Forest Dr.
19 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Forest Drive 8” Sanitary Sewer N Forest Drive
20 III. Proposed Sewer Layout (cont.) Force Main Location 4” Force Main 8” Sanitary Sewer Lift Station 12” Sanitary Sewer N S.R. 501 Forest Dr.
21 IV. Statutory Procedure A.Conduct Detailed Planning Assessment (DPA) Hearing. B.Legislation approving DPA. C.Complete construction plans. D.Finalize DPA costs, and mail billings to property owners. E.Conduct a Construction Assessment Hearing. F.Five day wait for written objections. G.Respond to all written objections. H.Ten day wait for filing of all appeals to Probate Court. I.Settle all appeals. J.Dismiss proceedings of first Construction Assessment Hearing. K.Conduct a second Construction Assessment Hearing. L.Five day wait for written objections. M.Respond to all written objections. N.Ten day wait for filing of all appeals to Probate Court. O.Settle all appeals. P.Proceed to the construction of the project. Q.Complete construction of the project. R.Finalize cost of construction and mail billings to property owners. S.Notify property owners to connect to project. T.Certify assessments to the tax duplicate of the property owners.
22 1.Final Detailed Planning Assessment (DPA) DPA – 5 year Assessment with interest: Final Engineering$69, Soils$ 9, Miscellaneous Expense$ 0.00 Advertising$ Note Interest$ 7, Total DPA Cost $86, Final DPA billed to each property owner: $86, / 137 households = $ Note ~ Will appear on the first half taxes of V. Cost to Property Owners and Financing
23 2.Estimated Construction Assessment (CA) CA – 20 year Assessment with interest: Engineering (Administrative, Bidding, and Soils)$120, Construction $1,145, Legal $10, Note & Bond Issuance Fees $20, Advertising $1, Permits $10, Interest on Notes $75, Easement Acquisition $10, Contingency$110, Total Principal For Assessments $1,501, V. Cost to Property Owners and Financing (cont.)
24 V. Cost to Property Owners and Financing (cont.) 2.Estimated CA with OPWC Financing = ($1,501, $225, (have received $188, to date)) ÷ 135 =$9, Not to Exceed Total Assessments Billed to Property Owners: = DPA + CA = $ $8, = $9, The County will commit up to $75,000.00, and the Township will commit up to $50, to bring the assessment down to: =( $1,276, $75, $50,000.00) ÷ 135 = $8, Note: The County and the Township will decrease their amount of commitment in a proportionate manner in the event the total project cost is reduced.
25 V. Cost to Property Owners and Financing (cont.) 2. Estimated CA (cont.): Half Year Tax payments are as follows: Note ~ CA may be paid in cash or placed on taxes for twenty years with interest. Term of LoanInterest RateHalf Year Tax PaymentSum of all Payments 20 yrs.4 ½ %$325.00$13, yrs.5.0 %$300.00$15, yrs.5 ½ %$314.00$18, Miscellaneous Non-Assessed Cost to Property Owners a.)Abandonment of existing private sewage system/tank and installation of sanitary sewer lateral to the project. Approximate cost - $ to $1,
26 3.Miscellaneous Non-Assessed Cost to Property Owners (cont.) b.)Once a property owner has connected to the project he or she will receive a quarterly sewer bill form the County to pay for operation, maintenance, and future major capital expenditures for the sewer district. The breakdown of the County sewer billing is as follows: V. Cost to Property Owners and Financing (cont.) Month’s BilledBilling DateDue DateCost Jan-Feb-MarMayJune$75.00 Apr-May-JuneAugSept$75.00 July-Aug-SeptNovDec$75.00 Oct-Nov-DecFebMarch$ Financial Assistance The County has CDBG funds that are available on a limited basis to assist LMI households for the cost of connecting to the sanitary sewer (abandonment of septic tank, and construction of service lateral). Application needs to be made to the County CDBG Coordinator so that eligibilty and, order assistance may be determined. Ohio Rural Development has grant assistance for property owners ages 62 yrs., and older with good credit ( “Housing and Community Facilities”, , Cindy Craley)
27 VI. Easement Acquisition The County is requesting all property owners who have, or will be contacted for acquisition of easements to donate the easement to the project. The cost of acquisition of easements is factored back into the overall cost of the project. Therefore, all property owners in the project will pay for the added cost of easement acquisition. We have a list of all easements yet to be acquired. I would request you get with us at the end of this meeting to negotiate the acquisition of the easement on your property.
28 VII. Tentative Schedule Informational Meeting 12/17/1999 DPA Hearing 2/24/2000 First CA Hearing 5/23/2001 Second CA Hearing 10/03/2002 Begin Construction 12/04/2002 Construction- Substantially Complete 6/30/2003 Complete Grading/Seeding 7/30/2003 Assessment Billing 8/2003 Project Wrap-Up Meeting 8/2003 Tax Certification 10/1/2003
29 VIII. Questions & Answers Note: Please State Your Name and Address, for the record, before asking your question.