HAND HYGIENE Medical Fitness Services Department
Proper hand hygiene is the single most basic and important factor in reducing infection. Hand hygiene decreases the number of transient and resident organisms on the hands.
Germs can be transmitted many ways, including: touching dirty hands changing dirty diapers through contaminated water and food through droplets released during a cough or a sneeze via contaminated surfaces through contact with a sick person's body fluids
WHEN SHOULD YOU WASH YOUR HANDS? 1. After using the bathroom 2. After blowing your nose or coughing 3. Before eating, serving or preparing food 4. After touching pets or animals 5. After outdoor activities 6. Before and after visiting anyone who’s sick 7. When your hands are dirty 8. After changing a diaper
BASIC RULES FOR HAND HYGIENE ARE: 1. Finger nails must be cut short and clean. 2. Nail varnish must not be used. 3. Keep cut and sores clean and covered. 4. Rings, bracelets and wrist watches must not be worn.
In the event of interruption of water supply, alternative agents such as detergent containing towelettes and alcohol- based hand rubs must be available. Hand drying must be done in such a way that hand recontamination does not occur.
When performing hand hygiene using antimicrobial soap/alcohol based hand rub observe contact time of seconds with friction covering all surfaces of the hands and fingers.