UNIDO in the Field Gustavo Aishemberg Director, Regional and Field Coordination Branch Vienna, 29 May 2007 vehicle for technology innovation
UNIDO Field Operations and Networking During last years, UNIDO increased its physical presence in the field by 40 per cent and today is present in a total of 70 countries: 28 Regional & Country Offices, 13 UNIDO Desks and 7 Focal Points, delivering a portfolio of programmes and projects and representing the Organization at the political level. 20 Investment and Technology Promotion Offices and Units (ITPO/IPU), established to promote investment and technology flows to developing countries and countries with economies in transition. 9 International Technology Centers (ITC), which act as catalysts for technology upgrading and assist in managing technology change. 34 National Cleaner Production Centers (NCPC), aiming at building national Cleaner Production capacities, fostering dialogue between industry and government and enhancing investments for transfer and development of environmentally sound technologies.
Investment and Technology Promotion Offices and Units (ITPO / IPU). ITPOs United Kingdom Belgium Poland France (2) Italy Greece ITPOs Russian Federation Japan Republic of Korea China (2) Bahrain Morocco Egypt Tunisia Uganda Jordan IPUs ITPOs Mexico Brazil
International Technology Centers (ITCs) Russian Federation Turkey China (5) Italy India
National Cleaner Production Centers (NCPC) Cuba (NCPP) Mexico Guatemala El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Brazil Hungary Czech Rep Slovak Rep Croatia Lebanon Egypt Morocco Tunisia Ethiopia Macedonia Uzbekistan China South Korea India Vietnam Sri Lanka Kenya Uganda Tanzania Mozambique Zimbabwe South Africa Russian Federation Macedonia
UNIDO's Thematic Priorities UNIDO has sharpened its technical cooperation activities by focusing on three themes, which directly respond to international development priorities: Poverty Reduction through Productive Activities -- Enabling the poor to earn a living. As such, UNIDO focuses on micro, small and medium scale enterprise development; rural and agro-industrial development (as well as “rural energy for productive use”) ; and women in development. Trade Capacity Building -- UNIDO combines building up the technical infrastructure required to participate in international trade (i.e. standards, quality, metrology, accreditation and certification) while strengthening key export sectors that require support services in strengthening/upgrading productive and export capacities. Energy and Environment -- UNIDO assists countries in the implementation of activities related to the multilateral environmental agreements; the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency; and the promotion of sustainable production and consumption practices. Portfolio of programmes and projects as at end of February 2007 amounted to US$ million in 142 countries
There is a changing role of developing countries and transition economies in global foreign direct investment and in the international production system. The key to higher standards of living and job creation is the extent to which innovative ideas and technologies are embedded in services, products and manufacturing processes. The UNCTAD World Investment Report 2006 highlights the rise of transnational corporations from developing and transition economies, expanding the range of potential sources of finance, technology and management know-how. This reflects a greater momentum to South-South and East-South cooperation (technology transfer, share of best practices, joint venture) Investment Flows and Technology Transfer - Global trends
Innovation: process of making improvements by introducing something new Innovate in the Industrial Sector: implies the introduction of changes in a particular industrial process Efforts / Risks … to gain competitiveness in the market: reducing production costs and / or increasing the market niche Corporate Image Market position Barriers to Competitors
Origin of innovation - efforts Investments in Research and Development Exchange of knowledge, professional experience and best practices (Joint Venture) To innovate is the result of a constant attitude to improve
UNIDO and Technology Innovation Assistance in the preparation, formulation and negotiation of joint venture agreements and other forms of industrial co-operation with other enterprises in other countries and regions. Assistance in the preparation and appraisal of industrial business plans which includes a component on R&D in an economically sustainable manner. as a result of the world wide specialized network, UNIDO is able to play a role as a facilitator and provide
Assistance to the countries to strengthen their capabilities to select, adapt and validate successful technologies. Assistance to enterprises to find technologies, funding options and information about policy environment, incentive schemes and industrial infrastructure available at the national, regional and global level. Assistance to enterprises in building up/strengthening capacity enabling to manage technological change for enhanced productivity and sustained growth. UNIDO and Technology Innovation
UNIDO’s GOAL strengthen the capacity of developing countries and economies in transition to raise / maintain their industrial productivity so that they can compete in the global market
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