The Striped Skunk By: Autumn Hamlet
General Information It is a mammal. It’s Scientific Name is Mephitis mephitis. It can live up to 13 years, 6 years on average.
Physical C haracteristics The Striped Skunk’s colors are Black and White. It’s weight is lbs. It is covered in fur. The unique body parts are the Teeth, Feet, Tail, fur. The weather in their den gets cold in the winter, and hot during the summer.
Habitat It lives in Canada through the U.S. to Northern Mexico, Absent from Eastern California and Western Arizona.
Behaviors It eats Rodents, Small Animals, Insects, Fruit, Seeds, Green Vegetation. It locates it’s food by smell. It gives birth to live young. It can have up to 1-10 young, usually 4.
Interesting F acts Skunks can spray Noxious Musk when frightened. They can Smell to get food. It can live up to 13 years, 6 on average.