RAL Site Report Castor Face-to-Face meeting September 2014 Rob Appleyard, Shaun de Witt, Juan Sierra
Contents Operations – Our experience at RAL Future Plans for CASTOR at RAL Ceph (Shaun) DB report (Juan)
RAL Load issues (lots of xroot transfers -> wait i/o on DS) - crashing Draining Rebalancing DB deadlocks (Juan) SL6 – shift to full Quattor configuration 2013 Disk deployment – 57*110TB nodes –Current numbers Elasticsearch – scaled up
Mostly smooth operation Deployed 2013 disk buy into production –54*120TB RAID 6 nodes Change of leadership –Rob now CASTOR service manager, taking over from Matt –Matt leading DB team
Issues from the Upgrade Very long DB upgrade time for ATLAS –Scripts not optimised for large disk-only instance ALICE xroot package not available for SL5 We feel a lot of these are caused by differences in usage patterns between RAL and CERN. Rebalancing – see later. Upgrade led us to find lots of crap in our DBs –Tables present in inappropriate DBs, bad constraints, etc.
Feedback from production New admin commands work well (modifydiskserver etc.) Read-only mode very useful –Free space on RO disk servers still reported as available for use Some lack of documentation –E.g. we didn’t know about modifydbconfig –deletediskcopy as replacement for cleanlostfiles In fact we have our own home rolled one which could be submitted as contrib cleanlostfiles [diskcopyid|diskserver[:filesystem]]
Feedback from production (2) We needed a way to spot unmigrated files on D0T1 nodes –printmigrationstatus doesn’t tell you about failed migrations. –Home-rolled ‘printcanbemigr’ script created for this use case. LHCb wanted an http endpoint – implementing test WebDAV interface for CASTOR –Graduate project –Interested to hear how xroot is going to do this…
SRM Stream of ‘SRM DB Duplicate’ problems –Easy clean-up –But they are disruptive Duplicate users Duplicate files (more common, less problematic) Hotfix applied to SRM DB to deal with clients who put double-slashes in their filenames
Xroot High load on disk servers tends to produce high Wait I/O – 50 concurrent xroot transfers…
Xroot (2) –Experimentation with transfer counts in diskmanager to optimise # of allowed transfers for each node –Currently Shaun is the single xroot expert, but we’re trying to fix that –Xroot manager daemon seems leaky…
Draining Problem with draining svcclasses with > 1 copy –‘patched’ thanks to CERN Overall better, but consistency of draining still a problem –Draining a whole server causes problems (TM crashes, DoS vs user requests) –Draining single filesystem seems better –But frequently needs kicking (many remaining files, draining still running, but nothing happening) –Also seems to be better on servers with 10GB network
Draining example
More on Draining Every 10.0s: draindiskserver -q Tue Sep 16 16:06: DiskServer MountPoint Created TFiles TSize RFiles RSize Done Failed RunTime Progress ETC Status gdss515.gridpp.rl.ac.uk /exportstage/castor3/ 16-Sep :07: GiB GiB h58mn38s 22.5 % 6h49mn6s RUNNING TOTAL 16-Sep :06: GiB GiB % ~]# listtransfers -p -x -r d2ddest:d2dsrc TOTAL D2DDEST D2DSRC DISKPOOL NBSLOTS NBUTPEND NBTPEND NBSPEND NBTRUN NBSRUN NBTPEND NBSPEND NBTRUN NBSRUN NBTPEND NBSPEND NBTRUN NBSRUN atlasStripInput
Rebalancing Too heavyweight Causes problems… –DoS to users –Unexplained TM crashes –Too large a queue Consider… –Do you really need to rebalance Disk0 svcclasses? –Move it into a controllable daemon We tried to tune it using the ‘Sensitivity’ parameter –All-or-nothing behaviour We have this turned off for all instances
Future plans for CASTOR at RAL
SL6 Bruno working on this –We plan to shift all our headnodes over to SL6 this autumn –Full Quattorisation of all headnodes (no more Puppet) We’ve wanted to do this for a long time 2 config management systems is one too many –Disk servers to follow
Log Analysis Elasticsearch logging system edging toward production –Lack of suitable hardware for search cluster –…but the system works well for now on old worker nodes –~5TB logging information currently stored in Elasticsearch –Looking to scale-out to other Tier 1 applications –Differing log formats cause problems – better than DLF but xroot and gridftp are still problematic
2015 and beyond… Can we get before LHC startup? Ceph – the future of RAL disk-only? –Test instance under development – Bruno working on this. –Shaun will now be telling you more…