MAKING ENDS MEET By: Tiffany Bohl *2015
GPA (GRADE POINT AVERAGE)= 2.24 Career options include: 1. Associates or Technical Degree 2. Complete Certification program 3. High School Diploma Possible Jobs: 1. Police Officer 2. Maid/Housekeeper 3. Mail Carrier
JOB/CAREER FOR REALITY STORE Job Title: Police Officer Gross Yearly Salary: The yearly salary is $39, 800. Job Duties: Keep order, answer calls for help, and check on possible crimes. Patrol areas in cars, on foot, or on horseback. Education/Training: Associates or Technical Degree or complete Certificate program Demand: The demand is very high.
MIT PROFILE PIE CHART RESULTS My highest score is Verbal/Linguistic. The reason I could see Verbal/Linguistic is because I like to act like a broadcaster. I could also see that being one of my top choices is because I want to be a teacher, and being a teacher is one of the related careers for Verbal/Linguistic. Have I considered being a related career with Verbal/Linguistic? Yes, I have considered being a teacher as a career.
MIT LINE GRAPH RESULTS My free and forced choice are not parallel. One of my toughest is Body/Kinesthetic. One way I could improve on it is by working out more. Doing more exercise’s. I would need to become more athletic.
BUDGET: Description: An estimate of how income and expenditure for a set period of time. A plan listing your income along with all the expenses or cost you have. Definition: The amount of money someone is saving up or spending. When I get older I will have to start a budget and manage it.
GROSS INCOME The total amount of money you make, including all income, taxes, SS, and benefits.
NET INCOME The total amount of money you make AFTER the SS Taxes, and other…What you actually bring home.
DISPOSABLE INCOME Income remaining after deducting mandatory rent, bills, and charges available to be spent or saved as one wishes.
TAXES Money taken out of your check for services that support govt. programs (fire, police, streets, teachers, welfare, Food stamps,…)
SOCIAL SECURITY Retirement money: You put money in the bank from your check and you get it back when you get older.
MEDICARE Medical benefit for when you retire, you still pay for it, just less than usual.
IRA They take money now, invest it, and then they give you the money back by a check every month.
BUDGET PLANNING TABLE Expense CategoryRecommended %Amount Housing 35% $ Transportation(car) 10% $ Electric 5% $ Gas Heat 5% $ Water 2% $47.09 Insurance 8% $ Medical and Health 10% $ TV/Internet/Phone 2% $47.09 Groceries(Food) 3% $70.64 Savings(optimum choice) 10% $ Variable Expenses 10% $235.48
MORTGAGE Definition: A legal agreement in which a person borrows money to buy property(such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of years. Explanation Sentence: I put down hundred thousand dollars cash and took out a mortgage for the rest.
HOUSE BILLS Electric: $40 per month Cable: $20 per month Rent: $478 per month Water: $1.50 for 1,000 gallons
“MY HUMBLE HOME” Total Cost:$99,500 Monthly Payment:$478 3 Bedrooms 1 full Bathroom 924 sqft Lot size: 4,791 sqft 1453 Bluestem Dr. Greenwood, IN 46143
CHECK March 18, 2015 Wells Fargo Bank$478/100 Four hundred, Seventy-Eight Dollars House Mortgage Acct#
VOCABULARY CAR Loan: amount of money someone (bank or credit union) gives you up front to pay for a large purchase, with the understanding that you will pay it back over time each month, with interest (That extra money they charge you for using their money) Lease: Renting instead of buying. You are “back loaded” on the monthly payment…meaning you pay less per month, but at the end, you make that up when buying it, or you have to give them back the car. Usually has stipulations, like paying for full coverage on car insurance and mileage allowance.
CAR The car cost $59,500. I’m going to be paying $ a month.
LIFESTYLE BY TIFFANY My goal for a living lifestyle is to keep a job. Try and find an apt. so I can live on my own. That way I wouldn’t have to depend on my parents for a place to live. If it cost more money than I figure I can always do without something, because its not like I nee to have TV or a phone.
PERSONAL FINANCES LINKS 1: Spent : Tell about some of the difficult decisions you had to make. What hit you hardest? What hit me the hardest I think was having to find transportation. 2: List the “ standard of living ” (how much it costs to live) in Greenwood, and one other place. Where would you like to live and why? It cost $8.75 to live in Greenwood. It cost $10.72 to live in Palm Springs, California. I would like to stay here in Greenwood, because I would like to live in the same place I was grown up in. 3: What were your “ Reality Check ” results? What does that say about you? It said that I need to pay my debt before paying for any clothes or other stuff like that. 4: Would you rather? Do one comparison. Show your answer choice on a slide, and why you chose it. I would choose to have a 30 payments over 29 years that way I wouldn’t spend it all in one place. 5: Worst Jobs : Tell what job you ended up with. What was your score? My score was 53% and the job I ended up with was Barber-Surgeon.