Educating engineers at a distance Mark Endean
Open or distant? learning governed by learnerprovider distance far near face to face distance learning open learning
All students need… a clear framework or structure for their studying knowledge of direction, goal, purpose, intended outcomes appropriate learning activities feedback on their progress content
Good distance learning purposeful structured paced engaging
Purposeful well-defined audience placed in curriculum clear outcomes
Structured clear learning, teaching and assessment strategies manageable chunks
Paced timetable for learning assessment milestones
Engaging narrative -beginning, middle, end identification -what’s this to me? register -‘I’ am speaking directly to ‘you’ and ‘we’ are exploring the subject together conversation -an ongoing dialogue -interaction teaching or learning?
Learning materials teaching narratives textbooks + commentary action guides + resourcesaction guides + resources software
Assessment a means to an end appropriate to the learning assessment by -self -peers -tutor
Student support access to ‘tutor’ -named individual -expert helpline -virtual tutor scheduled ‘tutorials’ self-help groups emphasis on support rather than teaching
and finally... you will never overestimate the sense of isolation felt by distance learners