What is TEE TEE stands for Theological Education by Extension The aim of the program is to “Prepare all God’s people for works of Christian service” Eph 4:12
The TEE Method of learning: Trains people in their context or locality with no need to go to college Three key components of TEE Training 1. Self Study 2. Group Study 3. Practical work (applying what has been learnt) People learn well by doing what they are to learn!
The TEE Method helps you to learn By studying and doing the work on your own and also in a study group with other learners What you study helps you do practical work in your local Church/ context Practical work makes you discover more questions or areas requiring even more learning and work The learning continues in a circle
TEE Method is used in other countries TEEM in Malawi ZimTEE in Zimbabwe TEE College in South Africa UTEE in Uganda TEE is for all Christians TEEZ in Zambia …. To mention a few The level is different in each country
TEE Helps you become better Christian leader by providing two things; 1. TUTORS To guide the study group in its work To help the students grow in knowledge and skill 2. STUDY BOOKS AND WORK BOOKS For the course they wish to study Books can be for the students or the Tutor or both
TEE Is not a correspondence course - we do not register individuals Uses the 4 methods of learning namely; 1. By listening to the tutor 2. By doing the wok themselves 3. By finding out things themselves (Research) 4. By learning from their and other peoples experience
TEE Courses Cover the basic essential areas of ministry in the Church such as 1. Teaching 2. Preaching 3. Leading Worship 4. Counseling 5. Church Administration