Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net Reform Strategies created by other universities Paul Kawachi FRSA Open University of China open - ed. net
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net Reform Strategies created by other universities Paul Kawachi FRSA Open University of China open - ed. net http : // www. open - ed. net / library / reform. ppt
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net some concrete proven ways to prevent a student from dropping out overview
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net Wilhelm von H UMBOLDT 1767 ~ 1835 The Liberal Arts University Founded Berlin University as the first liberal arts university, and his Prussian Education Model was later adopted by USA, Japan, Korea. Originator of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis that language shapes thought, and hence of cultural thought patterns.
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net Deodoro R OCA 1890 ~ 1942 University Reform “El solo universitario es una cosa espantosa” [ we should avoid having the university isolated from the rest of society ] Created university extension and adult continuing education - with students going out to teach working adults.
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net Ella Wheeler W ILCOX 1850 ~ 1919 Self Determination “One ship sails east, another sails west With the self same winds that blow It's the set of the sail and not the gale That determines the way they go "
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net i definition of ‘dropping out’ ii reasons for dropping out iii strategies for preventing dropout iv why should we care overview
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net i definition of ‘dropping out’ : definition
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net i definition of ‘dropping out’ : a student who a) does not take the course examination b) does not register for the next course c)does not keep to the pre-set pace d) fails to achieve a passing grade e) moves to another city / college / course definition
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net ii reasons for dropping out : reasons
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net ii reasons for dropping out : social academic reasons a) pace / no time / currently busy b) family or employment conditions c) money d) emotional e) course difficulty / level / suitability f) support = external vs internal g) prior learning / current learning
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net ii reasons for dropping out : academic external - family support increases dropout internal - tutor support decreases dropout. eg interactions online,. eg interactions offline by phone reasons f) support = external vs internal
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net ii reasons for dropping out : academic adults do not enjoy re-constructing own trusted knowledge questioning by others and own disjunctive reasoning five domains : eg skills, motivation, etc reasons g) prior learning / current learning
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net iii strategies for preventing dropout : strategies
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net iv why should we care : why care
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net reasons why we should care : 1) humanitarian the student may be poor, must support family, needs education, employment, welfare 2)economic the student is a potential customer, and the college has invested money in publicity and recruitment 3)profit the student is a paying customer in future, and can promote the college everyday 4)... why care
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net reasons why we should care : 5) any other reasons... why care
Open Education Network http :// www. open - ed. net You can download these slides freely from the website http : // www. open - ed. net / library / reform. ppt or by to me at open - ed. net