Studies at the University of Tartu International Student Service Autumn 2014
Study Information System Registration for courses Organisation of studies
Study Information System = õppeinfosüsteem SIS = ÕIS
Study Information System You can see general information (curricula, syllabi, course schedules, academic calendar) without logging in. SIS passwords and usernames have been sent to your address. If you have not received them by now, contact Merike/Kaija. Your account is activated on 1 September.
Relevant regulations Once you log into SiS (ÕIS) starting from 1 September, you are requested to confirm that you are familiar with the regulations governing our academic life.
It takes time to read all the materials listed, but it is for your benefit to be well-prepared. The best reference material is the Degree Students’ Guide: Most important regulation of all: gulations_as_of_2_september_2013.pdf gulations_as_of_2_september_2013.pdf
Study Information System Starting from 1 September, you will use the system to: Manage your contact information; Register for courses; Check your course schedule; Check course information; Access study materials; Get information from the lectures and other UT staff; See all documents concerning your student status; Give feedback; Vote at the Student Council elections; …
Contact information to SIS address Phone number Address in Estonia
Tutorial on the Study Information System Guidelines and video tutorial: regulations/examinations-and-passfail- evaluations regulations/examinations-and-passfail- evaluations
Course registration Your student status starts from the official beginning of the academic year - 1 September! All new students have until 15 September to register to courses, as well as to cancel registrations.
Which courses should I take? Check your curriculum in SiS Check the timetable of the 1st year of your programme in SiS Ask about the recommended course schedule at your 1st meeting with your Programme Manager
First meetings I Wednesday, 27 August 17:00 European Union-Russia studiesCafe Noir, Ülikooli 7 Friday, 29 August 14:15 Software EngineeringJ. Liivi :15MedicineRavila Monday, 1 September 11:00Financial MathematicsLiivi :15 Applied Measurement ScienceRavila :15PhilosophyJakobi :15SemioticsJakobi :00Baltic Sea Region StudiesLossi Tuesday, 2 September 10: Business AdministrationNarva mnt 4-A313 (start of course Introduction to Studies) 16-18Quantitative MathematicsNarva mnt 4-B101 Friday, 5 September 9:00 European Union-Russia studiesLossi
First Meetings II First meetings for students of the intensive Estonian language course (beginners) Wednesday, 3 September 10:15English-based groupJakobi :30Russian-based groupJakobi 2-219
Meetings for everyone Festive opening ceremony and respective ceremonies in faculties, colleges on Monday, September 1: Ask your tutor for help, if necessary
Contracts Tuition-waiver contracts Tuition fee contracts Can be signed at the dean’s office of your Faculty starting from 1 September. Deadline: 19 September.
Stipends paid by UT All montly stipends, including PhD, will be first paid out in October. Make sure to open a bank account in Estonia and bring your account number to your coordinator at ISS. If there is a need to sign an agreement, you will be notified by ISS.
If you have to pay the tuition fee Invoice will be sent to you by after you have signed the tuition fee contract Payment in cash at the Finance Office (Jakobi 4) or by bank transfer. Deadline: 15 October. Payment options: semester or the entire academic year.
If you get the tuition waiver You do not have to pay the tuition fee if you are not more than 6 ECTS short of the required number of ECTS. 1st semester – 24 ECTS 2nd semester – 54 ECTS 3rd semester – 84 ECTS 4th semester – 114 ECTS 5th semester – 144 ECTS 6th semester – 174 ECTS Example: If you have 52 ECTS by the end of your 2nd semester, you have to pay for 2 ECTS during your 3rd semester.
Organisation of studies See the Degree Students’ Guide: mik Study info: information
Assessment A course is considered completed after obtaining the positive result in the assessment of learning outcomes (usually exam). The scales for the assessment of learning outcomes: differentiated, i.e. examination; non-differentiated, i.e. pass/fail evaluation.
Assessment Positive results: grades A, B, C, D, E and "passed " Negative results: grade F and "not passed".
Completion of curriculum Full-time studies: % of the required ECTS = ECTS per academic year Medicine: 100% Residence permit for studies: only for full-time studies!
Academic leave at one’s own request for health reasons for service in the Defence Forces due to caring for a child Cannot study when on academic leave at one’s own request or for health reasons
Where can I get information? Getting Started booklet and Degree Students’ GuideGetting Started booklet Degree Students’ Guide regarding your coordinator at ISS ISS list for matters only related to studies
For suggestions and complaints Regular course and teaching evaluations – you’ll get to know them soon BUT You can always express your concerns using organisation-study-0
Rector’s reception 1 September at 6 pm History Museum of the University of Tartu Everybody is most welcome!
PhD degree seeking students PhD Study Agreement: consult your supervisor if it has not been done yet Deadline - Sept 30 Individual Study Plan – Sept 30 Forms are at: current-phd-students
PhD degree seeking students Study allowance, 383 euros, for students on state funded study - guaranteed. Allowance is paid for 12 months. First payment in October Students are eligible to receive allowance within a nominal study period, no separate application needed University wide courses, 12 ECTS, including Estonian