Welcome! June 5, 2014
●Allen Truong a.Allen has consistently showed up to help Ashley with the Crestline Book Drive. We appreciate all your work, Allen! Student of the Quarter
●Mission: To assist low-income elders and adults with chronic illnesses or disabilities remain independent in their own home ●Volunteer to provide assistance with: light housework, yard care and lawn mowing, grocery shopping, laundry ●Very flexible schedule- 1 or 2 hours once/twice a month ●To apply, call or visit Volunteer Chore Services
●July at Liberty Park ●Seeking volunteers for: information booth, recreational events, line control for activity booths, set-up for fine arts show, Saturday parade, and more! ●See Dr. Jones for a volunteer waiver and release of liability form ●For more information, please contact Sharon Murphy at or Renton River Days
●June 21st- you can use this as an event for next year ●Hours vary ●Volunteer roles include: course monitors, post-race food, gear check, parking help, Friday packet pick-up ●To register, please visit: Snoqualmie Valley Half Marathon and 10K
●There will be a new kind of open house next school year ●Save the date: September 15! ●They will need NHS members to help with babysitting a.Need background checks Open House
●Mrs. Lutterman is looking for a math tutor for her daughter this summer ●She is willing to pay money! ●Call Math Tutor
●Ashley needs someone who is willing to drive down to Vancouver to deliver the books Crestline Book Drive
●Today after school! Meet in Dr. Jones’ room. ●Pick up trash around the school, make sure that the parking lots and neighborhoods are clean ●NHS Sponsored Activity Trash Pick-Up
Any questions? Next Meeting for members: June 12th Please turn in your service logs! (if you haven’t already)