Fort Schuyler The fort that never surrendered Part 6- General John Burgoyne’s Plan
British General John Burgoyne came up with a plan to capture New York which would split the 13 colonies in half and the war would be over with America losing the war. General John Burgoyne
Part of the plan was for a British army of Colonel Barry St. Leger and their Haudenosaunee allies to travel down the St. Lawrence River to Lake Ontario, landing at Oswego. Then the army would travel down the Oswego River, to Oneida Lake to the Oneida Carry and eastward down the Mohawk River to Albany. All along the way, St. Leger's army would capture all the forts and town. St. Leger Joseph Brant
St. Leger's army route from Lake Ontario along the Mohawk River to Albany.
The other two parts of the plan would be that General John Burgoyne's army would start in Canada and move south along Lake Champlain to Albany capturing all the forts and towns along the way, and General William Howe's army would move north from New York City along the Hudson River to Albany capturing all the forts and towns. In this way, all of New York would be under British control and no Continental troops, supplies or communication could travel from the northern states to the southern states. George Washington would be forced to surrender his Continental Army.
General William Howe should go from NYC up along the Hudson River to Albany. His army will capture all the forts and towns along the way.
Image citations Slide 2: Burgoyne- Slide 3:St. Leger- Brant- Slide 4:maps- Slide 5: map- ap2bh.gif&imgrefurl= gton/107locate2.htm&h=652&w=586&sz=118&hl=en&start=36&tbnid=TLqBQ_v89c HCxM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dburgoyne%2527s%2Bplan%2 Bmaps%26start%3D18%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN Slide 6: Howe- a_349.jpg