Which one of these answers is equal to the problem? Strategy: Think about your FAVORITE number. (DO NOT USE 0 OR 1) You are going to substitute your favorite number in place of all the Xs that you see in the problem and the answer choices. PROBLEM 3(X+2)+2(X-3) 3(5+2)+2(5-3) 3(7) + 2(2) = 25 My favorite number is 5. This is the number that I will substitute in place of X. = 25 A 5X 5*X 5 *5 = 25 B 5X * =37 C 5X * =13 D 6X * =18 = 37 = 13 =18 **A matches!! Even though A is the answer, Always check all of the answers to make sure you are 100% right.**
Again, you need to match the answer choice that is equal to the problem. Again, my favorite number is 5. I will use it to substitute it in place of X. Problem 6(X-3)-4(2-X) 6(5 -3)-4(2-5) 6(2)-4(-3) 12 – (-12) = 24 A -2*X+10 -2* =0 B 2*X-10 2* =0 C 10*X-26 10* =24 D 10*X+26 10* =76 **C matches!! Even though C is the answer, Always check all of the answers to make sure you are 100% right.** = 24 = 0 = 24 = 76
READ the problem very carefully and identify the information they give you. h = the amount that a hat costs s = the amount that scarves costs 35 hats per h cost = 35h,68 hats per h cost = 68h 28 scarves per s cost= 28s,12 scarves per s cost = 12s NOW, you know to look for “ 35h, 68h, 28s, 12s. Get rid of any answer Choice that does NOT pair up the right variable with the number. Because 28 has an h and 68 has an s Because 12 has an h and 68 has an s Because 28 & 12 have an h and 35 & 68 have an s CORRECT!! When you distribute the variables, you get 35h+68h + 28s + 12s