ECE 3110: Introduction to Digital Systems Introduction (Contd.)
2 Previous class Summary Digital devices Digial vs analog Why digial
3 Digital Devices Gates: has one or more inputs and produces an output that is a function of the current input values. AND, OR, NOT… Flip-flop: a device that stores 0 or 1. A FF can be built from a collection of gates. Combination circuit: gates Sequential circuit:FFs+gates, has a memory of past events.
4 Digital Logic Binary system -- 0 & 1, LOW & HIGH, negated and asserted. Basic building blocks -- AND, OR, NOT
6 Electronic aspect of digital design Digital abstraction Range Noise margin Invalid range Specifications Electronic Circuit Designer, Digital Designer
7 Software aspect of digital design Digital design need not involve any software tools. But: modern design, software tools are essential. Examples: Schematic entry, HDLs (platform compilers, simulators, synthesis tools),simulators, test benches, timing analyzers and verifiers, word processors, high-level languages, CAD
8 Integrated Circuits (IC) A collection of one or more gates fabricated on a single silicon chip. Wafer, die Copyright © 2001 Fine Arts Photographics
9 Integrated Circuits (IC) Small-scale integration (SSI): 1-20 DIP: dual in-line-pin package Pin diagram, pinout MSI: gates LSI: ,000 VLSI: >100,000, 50million (1999)
10 DIP pinout
11 Programmable Logic Device (PLD) ICs which Logic function can be programmed after manufacture. 2-level AND-OR gates using user- programmable connections PLAs: programmable Logic Arrarys. PALs: programmable array logic devices Programmable logic devices (PLDs) CPLD: complex PLD FPGA: Field-Programmable Gate Array
13 Application-Specific ICs (ASIC) Semicustom IC: chips designed for a particular, limited product/application Reducing chip count, size, power consumption Higher performance. NRE: nonrecurring engineering cost Standard cells: library Gate arrary: an IC with internal structure as an array of gates, unspecified interconnection
14 Printed-Circuit Board PCB or PWB (printed-wiring board) Mount Ics so that an IC can connect to other Ics in a system. SMT: Surface-mount technology MCM: multichip modules: high speed and density.
15 Digital Design Levels Many representations of digital logic Device Physics and IC manufacturing Moore’s Law [1965, Gordon Moore]: Transistor level --->Logic design, functional building blocks The number of transistors per square inch in an IC doubles every year [18months].
16 Digital Design Levels Transistor-level circuit diagrams Example: Multiplexor
17 Truth tables Gate-level Logic diagrams
18 Prepackaged building blocks, e.g. multiplexer Equations: Z = S A + S B
19 Various hardware description languages ABEL VHDL
20 Summary Electronics/sw aspects of digital design Integrated Circuits (wafer,die,SSI,MSI,LSI,VLSI) PLDs: PLAs,PALs,CPLD,FPGA ASIC Digital Design Levels
21 Next… Number systems Reading: Wakerly chapter 2 HW #1 Assign Thursday 01/22/2004: Work Wakerly problems 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 Due: Tuesday 01/27/2004