DRAFT 1 Value Chain Analysis Presentation Template: Page 1 Industry Value Chain: Overview Insert an illustration of the value chain (keep it high level) Break down the profitability (or some other key metric) of each activity in the value chain -- GRAPH HERE -- List key findings of value chain analysis: -What are the most profitable activities? -Why are they the most valuable?
DRAFT 2 Insert a key takeaway here, outlining how your company performs (compared to a best- practice standard) across each value chain activity Margin ComparisonValue Chain Activities Value Chain Analysis Presentation Template: Page Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: 3 3 Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: 4 4 Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: 5 5 Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: 2 2 Our Margin: Best Practice Margin: Our Margin: Best Practice Margin:
DRAFT 3 State which elements of the value chain represent the greatest opportunity for growth Support the key finding with quantitative evidence Supporting point Additional argument or evidence As we search for and evaluate new technologies, we should place particular emphasis on those that could help us: [some bullets provided below for brainstorming] Improve operational efficiency Access more customers Enter new markets Differentiate from the competition Value Chain Analysis Presentation Template: Page 3