Light Microscopes Light Microscopes Compound Light Microscope Focuses with light and lenses. Can be used with living specimens Light weight and portable Inexpensive Only magnifies to 1000X
Electron Microscopes Uses electrons and magnets to form image on a monitor. Specimens cannot be living. Not portable/expensive 1000 times greater magnification than light microscopes Produces a 3-D image
There are 2 types of Electron microscopes Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Focuses a beam of electrons across the surface to produce a 3-D image Because there is no light there is no color. Focuses by sending electrons through the cell to show internal structure. Velcro Golgi Body and Nucleus in a cell
Surface of a Strawberry
Bacteria on a Tongue
Butterfly Eggs
Cell Apoptosis