Clerks to Governing Bodies One to One Tuition Overview.


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Presentation transcript:

Clerks to Governing Bodies One to One Tuition Overview

What is it? The One to One Tuition Programme is a Government-funded initiative to help children gain more confidence and understanding in English and maths. Designed for the pupils who would benefit the most, it complements classroom teaching by addressing barriers to learning that are personal and particular to each child. Key stage 2, 3 and 4 pupils will benefit from the programme A recent survey (part of the ‘Making Good Progress’ pilot evaluation) found that 86 per cent of Headteachers believe one- to-one tuition has contributed to increased rates of progression in their school. As a result of the pilot’s success, the Government has committed to providing tuition in English and maths to 300,000 children respectively by October This represents a doubling of 2009 figures

Who? One-to-one tuition will be used to help pupils who face academic barriers in English and/or mathematics. Schools will identify children:- who are behind where they should be for their age in mathematics and/or English, who are not on course to make two levels of progress. In addition, looked-after children who would particularly benefit from this kind of support can be put forward for tuition

Who tutors? The programme is open to newly qualified, current, former, retired teachers, overseas teachers qualified to teach in schools in England, trainee teachers in the summer before they gain QTS, or those with teaching and subject-specific qualifications from the higher education or further education sectors.

Why? Ensuring that the right support is in place for all pupils, regardless of class or social background, is important to improving pupil achievement and closing the attainment gap. Support in the form of one-to-one tuition can also be highly effective in boosting the confidence and motivation of pupils who may be falling behind.

Quotes from Pilot Head Teachers ‘The children grew in confidence and our internal data shows that 2 out of the 3 moved up a sub level in the short time they were tutored.’ The pupils' confidence increased enormously during the 1:1 tuition. The children were much more confident and motivated when back in class, they were more willing to answer questions and get involved’. ‘Huge rise in confidence particularly in maths and attitudes to learning had been raised in all areas.’

Roll-out 2009 Roll-out in 2009/10 In Lancashire we have been allocated £2.8M for One to One Tuition in 2009/10 (KS2, KS3, KS4 in National Challenge Schools). We have 6,500 places (target year groups Y3 & Y4 and Yr 7) (funded at £368 per place - which represents 10 hours tuition + 2 extra hours pay for the tutor for £25 per hour + £4 on-costs. Schools receive £20.00 per place to fund the liaison between teacher and tutor. In Lancashire the offer is universal:- minimum 2, maximum 140 All funding and place allocations are already in school This will double next year

Key Messages One-to-One tuition: it must be one-to-one and not small group tuition Suggested minimum tuition time of one hour per session for 10 sessions Tuition must be delivered by tutors with QTS, (ITT Teachers in the third term) Tuition sessions should reflect the discussions held between the class teacher and the tutor about the targets for an individual pupil One-to-One tuition should not replace other more appropriate interventions Schools will be expected to provide data on the progress made by pupils accessing one-to-one tuition, collected by UPN Funding for one-to-one tuition is ring-fenced

What does it mean for you? ‘Work effectively with the chair and Headteacher before the governing body meeting to prepare an agenda taking account of DCSF, LA and church authority issues and focusing on school improvement;’ One to One is all about maximising progress and the ring-fencing of the budget is a particular issue that governors will want to monitor.

‘Check that Criminal Records Bureau disclosure has been successfully carried out on any governor when it is appropriate to do so.’ Governors may be tutors too Additional HR issues e.g tutor pay will impact on governing bodies

‘Advise on the contents of the school prospectus and School Profile; maintain a file of relevant DfES and LEA documents’ Successful One to One will be a very positive element in the school’s reputation Bookmark for all information. Always check ‘updates’

‘Keep up to date with current educational developments and legislation affecting school governance. attend briefings and participate in professional development opportunities;’ One to One is a complex strategy and the ring-fencing and number of places make it an important issue for governing bodies. Your knowledge can only support governors to carry out their duties relevant to one to one with absolute confidence

Discussion Please examine the agenda item and the background paper which is to be circulated on the recommended Spring agenda for governing bodies. Questions and suggestions