International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Kathmandu, Nepal A Framework for Integrated Value Chain Development in Mountain Areas.


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Presentation transcript:

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Kathmandu, Nepal A Framework for Integrated Value Chain Development in Mountain Areas

Overview Rational for the VC approach The special case of mountains Need to adapt – Methodology Glancing in… ICIMODs regional approach

Rationale – Value Chain Approach ‘Allows us to understand who earns what, why, and what opportunities exist to improve returns towards mountain communities”  Gain overview of the complete chain structure and dynamics  Target interventions at strategic leverage points  Consider both business and socio- environmental elements  Contextualizeable to mountain context

Advantages of a regional focus  Most HKH value chains are regional or global  Need for better understanding of trans-border VCs * Specific cross-border challenges (access; visibility)  High potential for trans-boundary learning * livelihood approaches for poor * business models/technologies * policy solutions  Identification of common regional, mountain specific opportunities, challenges  Promotion of location specific VC solutions Status Potential Objective

ICIMOD’s Regional Strategy Raise awareness for VC approach, build in-house capacity, confirm interest of RMCs (Dec 07 – March 08) Implement value chain development pilots with partner ( )

Objective per phase Value Chain Stakeholders & Project Partners ICIMOD Stage I Raise awareness, interest and ownership for the VC project. Understand strengths and weaknesses of the VC. Stage II Participatory VC analysis. Identification of intervention strategies Stage III Implementation of VC development strategies Adapted from the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA), CIP

ICIMOD’s Regional Strategy Raise awareness for VC approach, build in-house capacity, confirm interest of RMCs (Dec 07 – March 08) Implement value chain development pilots with partner ( ) Design sustainable, pro-poor VC methodology for mountains (2009) Facilitate establishment of regional VC knowledge and exchange platforms (boundary partners, development agencies, international VC experts) (2009 onwards) Do analytical work at regional level on key mountain value chains (2010 onwards)

By 2012 we expect … -Boundary partners are enabled to identify and promote sustainable and pro-poor mountain VCs -Mountain specific, pro-poor and sustainable value chain methodology adapted in the HKH -RMCs use interregional exchange platforms for country- specific knowledge and experience sharing to identify VC solutions that reduce poverty and protect the environment -Income of poor and disadvantaged groups increased in pilot sites -Natural resource conservation and livelihood generation balanced -RMCs upscale learning of ICIMOD’s regional VC pilots

Thank you