OPERATIONAL SCENARIO of KTM Dokuka V.N., Khayrutdinov R.R. TRINITI, Russia O u t l i n e Goal of the work The DINA code capabilities Formulation of the problem Examples of simulations Conclusions Future work
Equilibrium and transport modeling code DINA DINA is Free Boundary Resistive MHD and Transport-Modeling Plasma Simulation Code The following problems for plasma can be solved: Plasma position and shape control; Current ramp up and shut down simulations; Scenarios of heating, fuelling, burn and non- inductive current drive; Disruption and VDE simulations (time evolution, halo currents and run away electron effects); Plasma equilibrium reconstruction; Simulation of experiments in fitting mode using experimental magnetic and PF measurements Modeling of plasma initiation and dynamic null formation.
DINA code applications DINA code has been benchmarked with PET, ASTRA and TSC codes. Equilibrium part was verified to the EFIT code Control, shaping, equilibrium evolution have been validated against DIII-D, TCV and JT-60 experimental data Disruptions have been studied at DIII-D, JT- 60, Asdex-U and COMPASS-D devices Breakdown study at NSTX and plasma ramp-up at JT-60 and DIII-D Discharge simulations at FTU, GLOBUS and T11 tokamaks Selection of plasma parameters for ITER, IGNITOR, KTM and KSTAR projects Modeling of plasma shape and position control for MAST, TCV and DIII-D in frame of Simulink environment by using S-function DINA code version
I P = 0.75 MA P aux = 5 MW Vacuum creation, gas puff Toroidal magnetic field creation Plasma current initiation Auxiliary heating B t = 1 T Plasma current ramp-up Plasma current flat-top Plasma current shut-down Scheme of discharge scenario at KTM
Dina calculates plasma equilibrium with programmed PF currents Programmed parameters are plasma density, plasma current, auxiliary heating power To simulate plasma evolution one must use a controller. Today it is absent We had to apply DINA means for controlling plasma current by using CS current, and to control R-Z position by using PF3 and HFC currents respectively How to create PF programmed set: The initial PF data was obtained in the end of stage of plasma initiation At first the plasma configurations at the end of ramp up stage and for flat top are calculated Techniques used for creation PF scenario
Programmed inputs for DINA n(t) P(t) Ip(t) DINA PF(t)
Techniques used for creation PF scenario (continue) Having used such a programmed PF currents, we find out that plasma configuration becomes wrong from some moment. To stop simulation at this moment! To write required information for fulfilling the next step To calculate a static desired plasma configuration by taking into account information concerning plasma current profile and vacuum vessel filaments currents obtained at some previous moment A new PF currents should be included in PF programmed set To carry out simulation up to this moment. To repeat procedure of improving PF current data for achieving good agreement To continue simulation further
A set of initial snapshot calculations time= 9 ms time= 279 ms time= 499 ms time= 3999 ms
An initial set of programmed PF currents
Ramp –up (initial equilibrium) Plasma equilibrium during ramp-up
Equilibrium at the end of ramp-up Plasma equilibrium during ramp-up
Ramp –up (profiles) Plasma current density profiles Safety factor profiles Electron temperature profiles Bootstrap current profiles
Plasma parameters on the stage of ramp up Time3 ms280 ms Plasma current, Ip, kA Poloidal beta, p Minor radius, a, cm Major radius, R, cm Vacuum vessel current I vv, kA Averaged electron density, n e14 Elongation, Averaged electron temperature, T e , eV Averaged ion temperature, T i , eV Safety factor q axis Safety factor q bound Normalized beta, N Confinement time, E, ms Resistive loop voltage, U res, V Bootstrap current, I bs, kA Ohmic heating, P , MW Auxiliary heating, P ICRH, MW-- R-coordinate of X-point, cm Z-coordinate of X-point,cm
Plasma parameters on flat top Time280+ ms4500m s Plasma current, Ip, kA Poloidal beta, p Minor radius, a, cm Major radius, R, cm Vacuum vessel current I vv, kA Averaged electron density, n e14 Elongation, 1.76 Averaged electron temperature, T e , eV Averaged ion temperature, T i , eV Safety factor q axis Safety factor q bound Normalized beta, N Confinement time, E, ms Resistive loop voltage, U res, V Bootstrap current, I bs, kA Ohmic heating, P , MW Auxiliary heating, P ICRH, MW5.0 R-coordinate of X-point, cm Z-coordinate of X-point,cm
PF currents scenario (PF1-PF6, CS, HFC)
Flat-top (typical configuration) Plasma equilibrium during flat-top
Evolution of plasma parameters 1 1.Plasma current 2.Poloidal beta 3.Minor radius 4.Horizontal magnetic axis
Evolution of plasma parameters 4 1.Electron density in the plasma center 2.Global confinement time 3.Major plasma radius 4.Resistive loop voltage
Evolution of plasma parameters 5 1.Vertical position of magnetic axis 2.Bootstrap current 3.beta 4.Normalized beta
Evolution of plasma parameters 7 1.Total Volt-seconds 2.Plasma Volt-seconds 3.External Volt-seconds 4.Ion confinement time
Evolution of plasma parameters 8 1.Ion confinement time 2.Volt-seconds of PF (without CS) 3.Volt-seconds of CS 4.Ohmic heating power
Flat-top (profiles - 1) Plasma current density profiles Safety factor profiles Electron temperature profiles Bootstrap current profiles
Flat-top (profiles –2 ) Plasma current density profiles Safety factor profiles Electron temperature profiles Bootstrap current profiles
Volt-seconds balance
Future work Additional work on development of integrated plasma shape and position controllers is required Integration of 2D-breakdown and DINA codes to do “all” scenario simulation ( breakdown-shutdown) in one step is desirable A more accurate wave Altoke-e code, consistent with DINA, is planned to use for modeling ICRF heating
Simulink model for R-Z control of KTM
The results of simulation of R-Z control for KTM