Summary “The necklace” is a story about a women that feels that she was born into the wrong class. She wants to be wealthy like all of her friends. She gets invited to a nice party but doesn’t want to go because she doesn’t have anything nice to wear and feels like she isn’t good enough. In this event a lot of stuff goes on that includes her losing something that she borrowed. She then spends most of her life trying to collect the money she owes to her friend. But with the twist at the end she founds out that all of her hard work of saving a bunch of money was for nothing.
Setting The setting of “The Necklace” is in France in about the 1800’s. Most of the story takes place at her house and at the party.
Conflict ( Person Vs. Self ) Minor: She doesn’t feel good about herself because she isn’t as rich as her other friends. Major: She asked her friend if she could borrow a necklace for a nice party, and her friend gave her a beautiful necklace to wear. After the party was over she was walking home and realized she lost the necklace and she looked for it for weeks, she never found it.
Theme General: Wealth Specific: This story is surrounded by the expensive piece of jewelry that drives the story.
Literary elements Tone: The author’s attitude about the story comes across as him thinking Madame Loisel is greedy and he writes about a women who only cares about being rich. Epiphany: When she realizes she has lost the necklace she has borrowed. Symbol: The necklace symbolizes her wanting to be in the higher class.
The Necklace Quiz 1: Who is the main character ? 2: What is the main characters problem with herself? 3: Is her husband supportive? 4: Do you believe she is selfish? 5: What is she trying to get? 6: What happens after the party? 7: What does do after she loses the necklace? 8: Who does she see at the very end and what does that person tell her?
The Necklace Quiz answer sheet 1: Madame Loisel. 2: She feels she was born into the wrong class and doesn't feel like she fits in with her rich friends. 3: Yes, he does his best to make her happy. 4: Yes, she only seems to worry about her problems and nobody else’s 5: She is trying to get a nice outfit and a nice piece of jewelry for the party. 6: She loses a necklace that she borrowed which was supposedly worth 40,000 francs. 7: She spends 10 years working to repay the price of the necklace. 8: She see’s her friend Madame Foriester and she tells her that the necklace she let her borrow was fake and was worth no more than 500 francs.