Warm Up 1. What major city was once referred to as New Amsterdam? 2. How did England become in control of New Amsterdam?


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up 1. What major city was once referred to as New Amsterdam? 2. How did England become in control of New Amsterdam?

Objective: Students will be able to understand how New Jersey became separate from New York.

Middle Colonies Video HeE

Once New Netherland’s was under English control, and the Duke of York had taken hold of New Amsterdam he decided to divide his colony. He gave the land between the Hudson and Delaware Rivers to Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. Why would the Duke of York want to sacrifice part of his land?

Land under control of John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret. Can you Identify what state these men gained control of?

To attract settlers they offered large areas of land and promised religious freedom, trial by jury, and a representative assembly. Why would these promises attract more settlers?

Guided Practice This Video highlights how New Jersey was religiously and ethnically different than the other colonies. After the video, we will have a class discussion on the types of people who migrated to New Jersey. hill.com/ssh/syllabus.syllabusLesson.do?bookId=CC1CD7CJ7LSRRBGSO25JWBLXKY&syllabusId=X93BDX3LXJD5GGHQGZNOF22YCY&chapterId=9KYZXT77WX NBQ3SSJWZG792O7Y&lessonId=W2E3ZJBQX8FE722OJZ5GP6HL78

Independent Practice Founding New Jersey Reading and Questions.

Group Work You will be broken up into groups will and will draw a Venn diagram. Compare and contrast New Jersey with the New England Colonies discussed in the previous unit. After you have completed their diagrams they will turn to other groups to compare their information.

Closure Describe the type of people who migrated to New Jersey. Why would Colonists chose New Jersey over the other English Colonies in America
