Personal, social and emotional Going for Goals – knowing that we learn in different ways. Being able to identify things we find easy and things we find tricky. Setting goals. Communication, Language and Literacy We will be reading and retelling stories about minibeasts. We will also be using Jack and the Beanstalk and the Funny Bones stories for drama and writing. Mathematical Introducing the concept of doubles and symmetry. Reinforcing shape, money and measuring. Counting sets of objects in 2s. Knowledge of the World Observing and finding out about minibeasts. Planting seeds and growing our own vegetables. Learning about ways to keep healthy. Physical Developing our coordination and ball skills. Creating a counter balance in pairs. Observing and copying a partner. Exploring and describing movements. Expressive Arts and Design Creating our own art based on the works of famous artists. Listening to music and using this to help us make up our own skeleton music, then performing it to others. Talk to your child about healthy eating and exercise Go out and look for minibeasts Show your child coins and let them use them when you go shopping Remember to keep sharing your child’s reading book with them and practising their key words Put your own observations of your child onto Tapestry – these really help us to get a true picture of what your child can do. Don’t forget to fill in the ‘ Wow Cards’ - tell us about anything that your child is proud of being able to do PE children will need shorts, a t-shirt and a tracksuit to wear outside (all named please). PE kits will be sent home every half term. We will be using our outside area as much as possible so please can you ensure your child always brings a named coat. It is helpful if they can bring a pair of wellies to keep in school. Starfish Sum1
Introducing learning friends How can you help? You can help your child by: drawing attention to, and modelling, positive learning habits Resilience -Demonstrate/model sticking at things, even if they are difficult. -Talk about how you feel when you are taking on challenges -Praise your children when they persevere…but also encourage them to take a break when they have had enough. -Help them to find interests and activities that are really absorbing -Talk with them about what helps them to concentrate and manage distractions Resourcefulness -Encourage questions -Demonstrate making links between different ideas -Encourage them to use their imagination and think of possibilities -Show them how to use resources such as reference books, dictionaries, the Internet -Help them to organise any equipment or resources -Help them to organise their ideas e.g. mindmapping Reflectiveness -Ask them what they learnt at school, rather than what they did -Help them to think about, and plan, activities -Help them to get started on a task by planning what they need to do first -Encourage flexibility and the ability to change plan if necessary -Help them learn from their mistakes -Encourage them to take time to evaluate their own learning Relationships -Make expectations of turn-taking and co-operation clear -Work, play and learn alongside your children, enabling them to pick up good habits through imitation -Listen to each other and extend ideas by your responses and questions -Undertake projects together -Go out and about and explore -Have fun The ‘Spider’ who demonstrates Resilience: Locking onto learning; showing perseverance and sticking with challenges: managing distractions The ‘Elephant’ who demonstrates Refectiveness: Being self aware; having the ability to think about what you have learnt and how you learn; evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses, adapting, changing and revising your work. The ‘mouse’ who demonstrates Resourcefulness: questioning, imaging, making links, making good use resources and equipment; being ready to learn in new ways; having a variety of learning strategies and knowing how to use them; using your imagination to consider other possibilities. The ‘Meerkat’ who knows how to have good Relationships; knowing when it is best to work alone or with others; knowing when to take the initiative or let others take the lead ; listening and learning from others; showing empathy and consideration to the views of others.
Name…………………… Achievement……………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… Date Name…………………… Achievement…………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… … Date