Early America
Mayan civilization 2600 BC - 900 AD Located in the Mexican and Central American rain forest Represented by Chichén Itzá (500s AD) Group of city-states ruled by a king Economy based on agriculture and trade Polytheistic religion tied to agriculture—Pyramids
Kukulcán Pyramid at Chichen Itza http://www.mysteriousplaces.com/mayan/TourEntrance.html
Aztec civilization Located in arid valley in central Mexico Represented by Tenochtitlan Ruled by an emperor Economy based on agriculture Polytheistic religion, based on warfare—Pyramids
Incan civilization Located in the Andes Mountains of South America Empire extended along the Pacific coast and Andean highlands from northern border of modern Ecuador to Maule River in central Chile
Represented by Machu Picchu Ruled by an emperor Economy based on high-altitude agriculture Polytheistic religion Road system
Achievements Calendars – based on agriculture Mathematics – included “zero” Writing system – pictographs or hieroglyphics