Pol Sc 322 Politics of Atlantic Canada Take-home exam April 2008
Question Preamble David Stevenson wrote in 1980 that a region may be defined as “a territorial entity possessing a sense of unity or community identity that is independent of political and administrative boundaries”. However, some think that the concept of “Atlantic Canada” is just a device by the federal government in Ottawa to gather east coast problems into one basket, in order to reduce the political inconvenience.
Four parts to the question: 1.Does an Atlantic region exist? 2.What evidence is there of a “sense of unity” and “community identity”? 3.What evidence is there of factors that support four separate political communities? 4.What will prevail in the long run: a common regional consciousness or four separate communities?
Types of evidence You can draw from the full range of kinds of evidence covered in the class (but not just from one): –Nature of regionalism, regional stereotypes –Economic indicators –Social and cultural factors –Political culture indicators –Democratic practice: parties, leaders, etc. –Shared vs. differing history and experiences of the four provinces –Nature of political integration within and outside region
Material for Answers Course-pack readings Instructor’s power-point presentations
Further instructions I will send the formal question out to you by Thursday afternoon. Exam papers must have your name, student number, etc… Typewritten if possible, otherwise clearly legible. Written in essay style – one complete essay -- full sentences and paragraphs. Proper referencing for direct quotations and points of view drawn from authors. Overall length not more than 2000 words. Due: 5 pm Friday, April 11: Preferably by hand (room 515 Nicholson Hall) or by if out of town.