In 8 Minutes SocialSimple Personalize Your Web Through Social Networking
Concept to Production Online users are demanding a seamless online personal experience with relevant information and a high-quality experience focused on convenience and satisfaction. Majority of web development in corporations are either in IT focused on technologies and infrastructure or in Marketing focused on sales and promotions. Few companies make the needed investment to offer a personalized online experience to their visitors as most priorities are to break-fix projects. Delivering a personalized experience is my passion and has been a struggle throughout the early to offer a high-quality experience. SocialSimple is a platform to help enables companies and general websites know specific (user provided) information of their visitors, before the page loads, so the web designer and web developers can dynamically generate a truly personalize online experience. Angel investment raised to start SocialSimple development (Golozo, LLC).
From Corporate America Recent experience as a Director of Enterprise Web for one of the largest corporations in the world with responsibilities to streamline the web technologies and processes. After a web audit, for just one of the 930+ subsidiaries we found… –102 Websites –77 Logins – Single Sign-On took care of only 15 logins –39 Searches –16 Statistics Estimated costs to streamline web technologies and processes were $4+ Million and a 1½ years effort. I noticed within the social networking industry, I also have several logins to different websites with different place to search. My social profile data (mostly public) can be used as a valuable tool to enable websites the ability to offer me a personalized experience!
Traditional Online Marketing Traditional online marketing focuses on statistics and averages. If 10,000 visitors see a banner ad (impressions), 200 would click-thru, and 40 would potentially buy.
Personalized Marketing When a website delivers an online experience that is tailored to my specific interests and needs there is without question a high potential for me to keep engaged with the website and a return visit. My social networking profiles offer websites the ability to more easily know who I am and to deliver relevant content.
Architecture Overview
User Experience Package
One URL One URL to list all of the user’s social websites. –Customizable profile for different audiences. –Synchronize social networking profile data. –Statistics integration with HBX, Omniture, and Google Analytics
Privacy Privacy is a big concern within the industry. Participation in SocialSimple to product a unique customer profile for websites is optional. In exchange for user participation, there may be incentives and special % discounts on partnering ecommerce websites and other online services.
Revenue Estimated $4.3 Million Annual Revenue –Different levels of access to the SocialSimple platform (monthly subscriptions) –Enterprise packed platform –Ad sales in Administration –Subscription to social networking API connection libraries and modules –Leasing of Socialjax, the user experience package generation engine, can be used with own user database
Milestones Prototype: July 2008 Alpha: August 2008 Beta: September 2008 Production: Late 2008 Enterprise: 2009
Experienced Team SocialSimple is designed and developed by an experienced team of top talent full-time employees, contractors, and a professional network of advisors. Collaboration Network –Executives –Marketing & Sales –Engineers –Project Managers
Conference Commitments Launch Beta Production (at conference). A working and publicly available version of SocialSimple. Special offers and promotions to TechCrunch attendees for any SocialSimple paid services.
Closing SocialSimple is not another social networking website, all social networking activities are on the other websites (MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, etc.). SocialSimple is an initiative and service to help enable websites, large and small, the ability to easily offer their online users a personalized user experience with relevant and targeted information. Change the web, not to control it. –Make it standard to offer personalized content throughout the web. –More social networking websites need to also incorporate more API hooks to updates profile data, not just a read-only feed. THANK YOU!