Composition Pasta is the Italian word for “paste” Our pasta will be made from semolina flour, eggs, oil and water Semolina flour— Higher gluten content than all-purpose More durable structure Rolled thin and formed into different shapes Some pastas are flavored with carrots, spinach, tomatoes, or other foods
DRIED PASTA Dried Pasta Southern Italy Hot dry climate Durum wheat oSemolina High in gluten (protein), low in starch Dries easily and well
FRESH PASTA Fresh Pasta Northern Italy Cool Climate Soft Wheat oEggs Lower in gluten (protein), high in starch Delicate, hard to dry
Ravioli or Stuffed Pasta Started out as just the filling Rolled in flour, poached in broth Sugar a sign of wealth Traditional at Christmas and Easter Way to stretch expensive meat
Guidelines for Ravioli Making Keep pasta covered at all times Work quickly Don’t stretch the pasta dough when shaping ravioli Filling should not be chunky or too wet Use egg wash to seal Squeeze out the air when sealing Don’t hold in the fridge overnight, freeze if serving the next day
Cooking Pasta Cooked in a large amount of boiling water Boil water first, then add pasta Stir to prevent sticking together Cook to al dente – firm to the bite, yet tender Drain pasta in colander or strainer