Learning about language 刘海涵 广东高州市第四中学. The keys to the ex. 1 1.pleasure, tried 2.pity 3.go away 4.wish 5.call 6.looked at 7.ridiculous8.stated satisfaction,


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Presentation transcript:

Learning about language 刘海涵 广东高州市第四中学

The keys to the ex. 1 1.pleasure, tried 2.pity 3.go away 4.wish 5.call 6.looked at 7.ridiculous8.stated satisfaction, tested out sympathyleave…alonedesirering…upscannedabsurddeclared Checking answer – I (2m)

The keys to ex. 2 : 1.scan 2.favour 3.cushions/beddings 4.beddings/cushions 5.clerks 6.awful 7.turn around 8.alarm 9.declaring Checking answer – II (5m)

Revising useful structures Answer key for Exercise 1 on page 14: be tested out (1) be harmed (2) be offered (4) was amazed (5) was not allowed (6) be discovered (6) be completely transformed (7) were impressed (10) be envied (10) be rebuilt (12)

Answer key for Exercise 2 on page 14: 1.to be designed 2.to be rebuilt 3.to be accompanied 4.to be known as 5.to be filled with 6.to be tested out 7.to be envied 8.to be set aside

were listed be divided be organized to be accompanied were connected be surrounded was attached Answer key for Exercise 3 on page 15:

Using structures Answer key for exercise 1 on page 56: 1.I did not expect to be interviewed by the general manager. 2.The magazines are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room (by anybody). 3.She hates to be laughed at by her classmates.

4.He doesn’t want his writing to be interrupted (by the guests). / He doesn’t want to be interrupted while writing. 5.These rules must be obeyed by everybody as they are for the good of the whole school. 6.These are the issues to be discussed tomorrow. 7.It is wrong for him to be made to work all night.

Answer key for exercise 2 on page 56: 1.The dishes need. 1.The dishes need to be washed. 2.The mail needs. 2.The mail needs to be sent right away. 3.The singer refused. 3.The singer refused to be photographed. 4.The house is. 4.The house is to be sold.

Answer key for exercise 3 on page 56: 1. 那本关于《圣经》的书需要在这周末之前还给图书馆。 2. 下周末前,这个旧扶手椅将有一个沙发代替。 3. 不要着急,你有足够的时间把那个传真发到你的公司。 4. 你同妻子离婚的决定必须要得到她的同意。 That book on the Holy Bible needs to be returned to the library by/before the end of the week. That old armchair is to be replaced by a sofa next week. Don’t worry-you still have plenty of time for that fax to be sent to your company. You decision to divorce your wife has to be made with her agreement.

5. 刚刚出了一起事故,不过没有必要惊慌,没有人 受伤。 6. 虽然她考得不错,但是她预料父母还是会对考试 的结果感到失望。 7. 当在医院进行大手术的时候,她得到了家人的关 爱和支持,(为此)她感到非常高兴。 There has been an accident but there is no need to be alarmed. Nobody has been hurt. Although she had done well, she expected her parents to be disappointed by her exam results. She was happy to be supported by the affection of her family when she had a serious operation in hospital.

8. 他为自己被宣布称为智力竞赛冠军得主的事感 到十分兴奋。 9. 他把他们已经得到的 2000 元与将提供的 1500 元 加在一起,总共 3500 元。 10. 没有主力队员的参与,他们一定会在即将到 来的比赛中被打败。 He was so excited to be declared the winner of talent competition. He added the 2,000 yuan they had received to the 1,500 yuan to be offered, marking 3,500 yuan in all. Without their key/leading player, they are bound to be beaten in the coming competition.

Using words and expressions biographychapterbiochemistrytheoreticalstaff part-timebonusthinkingframeworkassessmentjunior Answer key for exercise 1 on page 55:

Answer key for exercise 2 on page 55: