Threats to Independence, Health, and Financial Security Income Security Health Care Financing Consumer Fraud Housing/ Foreclosure Elder Abuse/ Financial Exploitation
Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems Strategic Goal Promote the creation of comprehensive, well integrated, and cost effective legal service delivery systems that target scarce resources to older adults in the most social or economic need Tactical Application Systems that function with the right legal entities, handling the right kinds of legal cases, at the right level of service
MODEL APPROACHES Essential Features Legal Assistance Developer Needs and Capacity Assessments Senior Legal Helplines Leveraging Low Cost Mechanisms Training of Aging and Legal Providers Targeting and Outreach
Ultimate Outcome Enhanced access to legal services for older persons most in need on “High Impact” legal issues
Legal Assistance Developer Central Role of LAD in Achieving Model Approaches Goals Stakeholders and Planning Process Project Sustainability Legal Service Delivery Standards Communication Ongoing Role of Coordination
Legal Needs Assessment Legal Needs Assessments examine the Demand side of the equation Must determine legal needs and not legal wants Provides benchmarks and tools for planning Look for conditions that put elders at risk (impact issues like income, shelter, food) Use of Surveys Use of Focus Groups
Systems Capacity Assessment Legal Capacity Assessments examine the supply side of the equation What is the capacity of the system to meet the needs of the population What is the capacity of the system to meet the needs of the population How can the supply be enhanced How can the supply be enhanced How can the supply be better coordinated How can the supply be better coordinated Be sure to include all sources (e.g. legal providers, ombudsman, APS etc…) Be sure to include all sources (e.g. legal providers, ombudsman, APS etc…) Capture both qualitative and quantitative information Capture both qualitative and quantitative information
Senior Legal Helplines SLHs are well Integrated components of Aging and Legal networks Each SLH may provide one or all of the following functions: Provide Referrals Provide Legal Information Provide Legal Advice
Senior Legal Helplines Diagram of MO’s SLH Model Phone or Online Contact AAA I & A Specialist Legal Advice/Rep Referral Provide Legal Information Assist Navigating Online Helpline Refer to Other Services
Senior Legal Helplines Diagram of MI’s SLH Model Intake/Screening or Referral for non-eligibles Legal Advice from Hotline Attorney When needed, seamless referral to other legal or aging service provider
Leveraging Low Cost Mechanisms Leveraging of Low Cost Mechanisms Boosts Overall Systems Capacity Use of SLHs Use of Online Helpline Pro-bono Volunteer Recruitment Law School Clinics Other Self Help Resources
Training! Training is Critical to Achieving Integration Goals of Model Approaches Training for use of online helpline Training of AAA I & R Specialists Cross-Training with aging providers and III-B legal networks
Targeting and Outreach Model Approaches Targets Older Persons in the Most Social or Economic Need Use of data to effectively target MO Outreach methodology Outreach Activities- AAA role Michigan Outreach Experience