AARL – Supporting early researchers to get published Dr Bob Pymm Editor, Australian Academic and Research Libraries (AARL)
AARL Quarterly, refereed publication of ALIA. ERA ranking B Since early 1970s Editorial board – senior members of the profession Usually four or five articles per issue Around 4-6,000 words Deliberate aim to publish material from practitioners as well as academics
Type of articles Relevant to the academic and research library environment in its broadest context Ideally, the results of research – reporting and interpreting these results in the broader context Also literature reviews but preferably related to a research activity
Examples from recent issues International student’s library usage Getting material into an Institutional Repository Development and use of the oral history collection at the National Gallery of Australia Information literacy programs for first year social work students Using Appreciative Inquiry (a management technique) to help with change in a library network
Research activity Broad definition eg. – User surveys – Collection surveys – Specific collection issues – Attitudes and perceptions – Managing staff – Impact of change, new technologies – ‘big picture’ – speculation; new paradigms
How we can help Before going too far, send your idea or outline to me Read other articles to get an idea of style, presentation Rework a conference paper Accept it may taken a while – quite a few iterations – before an article gets published. Especially if data is time critical Don’t be put off by refereeing – happens to all of us – be open to their comments
Further help Think about working with another Aim to link with someone who has experience Contact me – I may be able to link you up with someone or work with you Above all don’t be put off or afraid...you’ll feel great to see yourself in print and it is possible