Snapshot on Andrews, 2014 Assessment of Key Performance Indicators Office of Institutional Effectiveness October 2014
Senior Results on ETS Proficiency Profile
Licensure Pass Rates, Cumulative, Goal = 80% ProgramYears Pass Rate ProgramYears Pass Rate Dietetics, didactic program %Teacher Education % Dietetics, Internship %School Psychology % Medical Lab Science 2013 cohort 89% Clinical Mental Health Counseling % Nursing 2013 cohort 100%Social Work, BSW* % Physical Therapy %Social Work, MSW* % Overall:95% *From survey of alumni
Retention Rates
Graduate Placement 1 year after graduation Alumni Survey 2014 EmployedEnrolled in further studies Employed & enrolled in further studies Not employed or enrolled Undergraduate (n=93) 49%17%20%13% Master’s (n=101)74%8% 10% Doctoral (n=46)76%4%9%11% Total (n=240)65%11%13%11%
Further Education of 2008 & 2009 Graduates 56 (61.5%) of the 91 bachelor’s grads responding pursued further studies 34 (37.4%) of the 91 bachelor’s grads earned 35 additional degrees: – 27 master’s degrees – 1 specialist degree – 7 doctoral degrees
UG Student-Faculty Ratio
Average Scores on Faith Questions
Service Activities, Senior Survey , n=368
Involvement in Service (Senior involvement is at least annual)
Leadership Activity Senior & Alumni Surveys 2014 (Senior leadership is at least annual)
Health & Wellness 89% of seniors are committed to living a lifestyle that promotes health (Senior Survey, 2014, goal = 75%) 87% of alumni practice a balanced lifestyle that promotes health (Alumni Survey, 2014)
Average Tuition Discounts
Admission to Enrollment Yield
Counted Campus Enrollment: 12-Month FTE's
Out of U.S. Headcounts
Goal lines: