1 Governance and Accountability Cluster III Lucas Katera
Background Success of MKUKUTA’s clusters I&II relies on accomplishing goals of cluster III Four broad outcomes are Good governance and rule of law Accountability of leaders and public servants Democracy and political and social tolerance Peace, political stability, national unity and social cohesion deepened 2
Background (cont) Supporting broad outcomes are 7 goals each with indicators and targets Structures and systems of governance and rule of law be democratic, participatory and inclusive Equitable allocation of public resources Effective public service framework for service delivery improvement Protect rights of poor and vulnerable in the justice Reduction of political and social exclusion Improve personal and material security National cultural identities to be enhanced and promoted 3
Goal 1: Structures and systems of governance % of population with birth certificates In 2007/8, 20% of births registered from 18% in 2004/5 Disparities exists btn urban/rural, regions and income Gender equity Women representative in parliament reached MKUKUTA target of 30%-national election 2005 Representation in LG remains low, only 5% councilors Women in senior position in public service increased from 20% in 2004/5 to 22% in 2008/9 Specific areas like judges, PS, DPS and RAS Gov’t measures include increase in scholarship for women to attend postgraduate training and capacity building 4
Goal 1: Structures and systems of governance (cont) Citizens’ participation in local governance Citizen surveys indicate increased participation in LG institutions as well as other community groups Rural doing well than urban areas-Results of O&OD? Information dissemination and accountability of LGAs 40% of LGA posted fiscal information on public notice board Citizen surveys also indicate the same trend Challenge is on making reports user friendly to common people 5
Goal 2: Equitable allocation of public resources Revenue collection as % of revenue due nationally Tax collection by TRA as a % target-mostly surpassing target Challenge: may overestimate collection due to exchange rate Public procurement entity complying with the act Increase from 39% in 2006/7 to 43% in 2007/8 Audit of central and LG offices MDA with clean reports increased from 34% in 2004/5 to 76% in 2006/7, then decreased to 71% in 2007/8 LGSA clean reports increased from 9% in 1999 to 81% in 2006/7, then decreased to 54% in 2007/8 Budget allocation to LGA Overall continued increase in the allocation Mostly from the central government Little autonomy in the spending because of limited local capacity 6
Goal 3: Effective public service framework 7 Satisfaction with government services % of population satisfied with Education increased from 59% in 2001 to 81 in 2008 Health increased from 50% in 2001 to 64% in 2008 Water decreased from 46% in 2003 to 42% in 2008
Goal 4: Rights of poor and vulnerable protected % of court cases outstanding in a year Fluctuated btn 24 and 29 from 2004 to 2008 % of prisoners in remand for 2 or more years compared to all prisoners Fallen consistently from 16% in % in 2008 % of detained juveniles accommodated in juveniles remand homes The pattern is subject to errors % of districts with a team of trained paralegals No data is available for this indicator 8
Goal 5: Reduction of political and social exclusion Number of cases filed for infringement of human rights Commission for human rights responsible to issue data Consistently increase in recent years Not sure whether it is the increase in violation of human rights or improvement in data collection 9
Goal 6: Improve personal and material security Reduced fear of citizens in their homes Reduced % of citizens with something stolen from home Trust in police and court of law remains a challenge especially in recent years 10
Conclusions and policy implications Data limitations for several indicators remains a challenge Public opinion surveys to measure citizens’ perception are increasingly important Participation in LGA decision making has improved since the introduction of LGR The central government still controls some of issues at the LG level Satisfaction with efforts against crime is high, though still lower trust in courts and police 11
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