LOTEHAT 3 P ROJECT I NVESTIGATION S HOWCASE 2012 Name: Ingrid O’Sullivan School Name: Avila College Investigation Title: Using technology as a means of facilitating language learning outside of the classroom
W HAT I DID : Surveyed my Year 8 Indonesian about: - their use of technology outside the school (i.e. access to the Internet, smart phones etc) - strengths and weaknesses - their opinions about learning a language - how they would like to see technology used in the LOTE classroom Set up an Edmodo Group that all students in the class could access to upload their work, complete quizzes and ask questions. Created a blog where students could upload written tasks Set up an Evernote note for every student (i.e. create a digital portfolio of their work that can easily be ed to both parents & student for immediate feedback) Signed students up to Language Perfect (an online web-based language tool) as a way of learning and revising vocabulary outside of the classroom) Students were also given access to some iPads so that they could use various apps to further enhance their Indonesian skills. Encouraged students to bring their own smart phones to class
W HAT I LEARNT : That Year 8 students love incorporating technology into their learning. That students are highly excited and motivated by the use of iPads (although having a 1-1 ratio would be preferable) That students need very clear guidelines when using technology as they can very easily get sidetracked Students really appreciate it when the teacher can provide instant and personal feedback rather then waiting for the next class which sometimes can be over a week away That highly able students benefit from additional materials being placed on Edmodo Sites such as Edmodo were great for collaborative learning and for helping the weaker students and the students who were absent from class Language Perfect and Edmodo is great for revising vocabulary / grammar as they both provide instant feedback to both the student and the teacher Having a digital portfolio of student work on Evernote was great for charting student progress and it helped cater for differentiated learning as well as identify student progress Kidblog was great for scaffolding writing tasks Students became more active learners when engaging with technology
W HERE TO FROM HERE : Create Edmodo groups for all my Indonesian classes Continue with writing blogs on Kidblog, particularly for the senior classes that I will be teaching next year as it really was a great forum to scaffold writing tasks Purchase more iPads so that there is a 1-1 ratio and ensure that all iPads have a network connection so that students can print or me work done from class instantly Increase use of iPads and other ICT tools in the Year 8 Indonesian Curriculum to invigorate topics taught my digital portfolio notes on Evernote to the Year 9 Indonesian teacher so they have a greater understanding of the classes progress thus helping the new teacher cater for differentiated learning Use surveys more often in my teaching practice as a means of helping me create more dynamic courses To not be afraid to let the students have a greater say in their learning