DOCUMENT #: GSC15-GTSC8-06 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: ATIS AGENDA ITEM: GTSC8; 4.2 CONTACT(S): Art Reilly ATIS Cybersecurity Art Reilly, Cisco Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
2 Highlight of Current Activities (1) ATIS’ Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC) Completed: UNI and NNI signalling security standards UNI and NNI testing standards NGN authentication requirements Session Border Controller (SBC) requirements Security architecture is layered, both horizontally and vertically, with border element functions protecting trusted from untrusted domains
3 Highlight of Current Activities (2) PTSC continues to focus on security-related topics that will ensure robust signalling and communications standards and network implementations that will provide adequate protection and support for multimedia and emergency services in the current cybersecurity environment: ETS Authentication Data Border Function Requirements Security Mechanisms Location Identity Management Certificate Management
4 Highlight of Current Activities (3) PTSC’s focus is on specifying security considerations for Layers 1 through 5 for UNIs, NNIs, ANIs, and SNIs Generation of interface requirements will: Attempt to reduce number of available interconnection options, without compromising the desired flexibility in implementing the services, thereby facilitating interoperability Facilitate interconnection negotiations Ensure adequate security will be provided
5 Highlight of Current Activities (4) ATIS’ Network Performance, Reliability, and QoS Committee (PRQC) Current/Future work: Currently working on Standard for Media Plane Performance Security Impairments Standard for Evolving VoIP/Multimedia Networks Document potential QoS degradations associated with security mechanisms Identify potential security problems associated with QoS mechanisms Extend work initiated in ATIS , Information & Communications Security for NGN Converged Services IP Networks and Infrastructure Published: ATIS , User-Network Interface (UNI) Media Plane Security Standard for Evolving VoIP/Multimedia Networks, published. ATIS (see above)
6 Highlight of Current Activities (5) ATIS’ Telecom Management and Operations Committee (TMOC) TMOC will continue to address Management aspects of security, especially concerning NGN Carrier Interconnection arrangements and VoIP Registry Database Management aspects of security, as driven by the ATIS Board (e.g., TOPS Council or CIO Council)
7 Strategic Direction ATIS continues to develop a suite of security authentication and IdM standards that will facilitate secure interconnection of: transport facilities signalling facilities services and applications Cloud computing may pose significant security issues that will need to be addressed
8 Challenges SIP security solutions are tailored to be end to end SIP/SIPPING/SIMPLE/etc. RFCs have well written security sections that are not fully implemented in vendor products Security solutions have an impact on delay and performance
9 Next Steps/Actions ATIS will continue on its current path of generating a complete suite of standards that can be used to facilitate interconnection negotiations and result in interconnection scenarios that are secure
10 Proposed Resolution Continued support for GSC-14 Security Related Resolutions: Resolution GSC-14/4 - Identity Management Resolution GSC-14/25 - Personally Identifiable Information Protection Update Resolution GSC-14/11 - Cybersecurity to reflect actions at WTDC10 (modified draft Resolution provided as a GSC contribution)
11 Supplemental Slides
12 PTSC Issues may be found at: PTSC Active Issues which have a security component are: Issue # Title S0051ATIS NGN Identity Management Requirements S0055Security Mechanisms S0059ATIS NGN Identity Management Use Cases S0060ATIS NGN Identity Management Mechanisms S0061Certificate Management S0063ATIS ETS Authentication S0065Enterprise Network Support in NGN S0073Security Guidelines for DBF Interface S0074Security Guidelines for Carrier Interconnection (NNI) Supplemental Slides
13 PRQC Issues may be found at: PRQC Active Issues which have a security component are: Issue # Title A0010User Plane Security Requirements in NGNs A0014Network-Network Interface (NNI) User Plane Security A0035Impact of Security on QOS Performance in NGNs A0045Service-specific Security Mechanism Implementation Options Supplemental Slides