Latin America: Physical Geography and Slides Finish Unnatural Causes Latin America: Setting the Boundaries Landforms and Climate Slides Environmental Issues For Next Class: Read Brönnimann et al. 2014 on Readings link on AsUlearn
Unnatural Causes 1. Describe the body’s stress (fight or flight) response. How is chronic stress different? How might chronic stress increase the risk of illness and disease? 2. How do the lives of Jim Taylor, Tondra Young, Corey Anderson and Mary Turner exemplify concepts like the wealth-health gradient and the importance of power and control? What does comparing data maps of disease rates in the different Louisville council districts reveal? What might explain observed differences?
Setting the Boundaries Do you agree with your textbook’s definition of Latin America? Why or Why not?
Tunguhuara Volcano, Ecuador
Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador
Altitudinal Zonation
Vertical Zonation of Agroecological Zones Tierra Caliente (Hot Land) – 0-1000 m (3,200 ft) Hot all year round with tropical vegetation Bananas, citrus fruits, tropical rain forest in places Tierra Templada (Temperate Land) – 1,000-3,000 m Land of Eternal Spring Many temperate crops (corn was domesticated in this zone) Many major Latin American cities (Mexico City, Arequipa)
Tierra Fria (Cold Land) – 3,000-4,000 m Limited agriculture; potatoes, barley, quiñoa Altiplano of Peru/Bolivia Puna/Páramo (Tundra) – 4,000-5,000 m (12,800-16,400 ft) Extensive grazing of cameloids (llamas, alpacas, vicuñas) Tierra Helada (Frozen Land) – 5,000 m+ (16,400 ft+) Glaciers, snow, and rock!
La Mosquitia, Honduras March, 1993
Costa Rica Slides: Dec 1997
Chile Slides: March 2003 & June 1994
Ecuador Slides: May 2007
Impacts of Climate Change Immediate concerns Agriculture Glacial retreat Water availability Diseases Long-term concerns Mixed and unclear
Environmental Issues Deforestation Desertification Water and air pollution
Grassification Conversion of tropical forests for beef production
Urban Environmental Challenges Air pollution Santiago and Mexico City