IB HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION Internal Assessment Due: May, 2015 Submitted to IB: May, 2016
WHAT ARE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS? External Assessments are graded by Outside IB examiners worldwide External Assessments are graded by Outside IB examiners worldwide Example: IB History exam Example: IB History exam Internal Assessments are graded by your Teacher and are submitted to the IB organization. Internal Assessments are graded by your Teacher and are submitted to the IB organization. Example: The Historical Investigation research paper Example: The Historical Investigation research paper
THE IB HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE… 1. A Time Period 1. A Time Period 2. Theme OR 2. Theme OR 3. Event 3. Event In history of the Americas or 20 TH Century World History that YOU ARE INTERSTED IN AND WOULD LIKE TO INVESTIGATE FURTHER In history of the Americas or 20 TH Century World History that YOU ARE INTERSTED IN AND WOULD LIKE TO INVESTIGATE FURTHER Can involve any period of time EXCEPT the last 10 years Can involve any period of time EXCEPT the last 10 years
TOPIC CAN BE ON ANYTHING YOU LIKE HOWEVER… Make sure you have plenty of resources available before you settle on a topic Make sure you have plenty of resources available before you settle on a topic You will need to use PRIMARY SOURCES (written at the time: diaries, documents, newspaper articles, journals, court trial records, photographs, drawings, memoirs, letters, etc.) You will need to use PRIMARY SOURCES (written at the time: diaries, documents, newspaper articles, journals, court trial records, photographs, drawings, memoirs, letters, etc.) Internet History Sourcebook for Primary Sources (Fordham University). Internet History Sourcebook for Primary Sources (Fordham University). SECONDARY SOURCES ( produced in retrospect: scholarly articles written by historians, books, etc.) SECONDARY SOURCES ( produced in retrospect: scholarly articles written by historians, books, etc.)
WHAT IS THE IA HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION WORTH? 1. 20% of your IB score for History (HL) 1. 20% of your IB score for History (HL) 2. 25% of your IB score for History (SL) 2. 25% of your IB score for History (SL) 3. 20% of your SGMHS grade for IB History of the Americas ( This paper is your semester 2 final) 3. 20% of your SGMHS grade for IB History of the Americas ( This paper is your semester 2 final)
WHEN IS THE HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION DUE? You will be turning in the paper in parts You will be turning in the paper in parts The completed product is due the week of Final Exams, Spring 2015 (semester 2) The completed product is due the week of Final Exams, Spring 2015 (semester 2) The Historical Investigation will be submitted Spring 2016 along with your IB History exams. The Historical Investigation will be submitted Spring 2016 along with your IB History exams. THIS IS NOT A DRAFT! Once you turn in your paper to me, you CANNOT make any revisions. THIS IS NOT A DRAFT! Once you turn in your paper to me, you CANNOT make any revisions.
HOW LONG IS THE HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION? 1,500-2,000 word research paper (6-8 pages) 1,500-2,000 word research paper (6-8 pages) This DOES NOT include Section F; Works Cited Page This DOES NOT include Section F; Works Cited Page 12 font 12 font Times Roman Times Roman Double Spaced Double Spaced ever wondered how to convert # of words to pages? ever wondered how to convert # of words to pages?
FORMING YOUR QUESTION I am interested in learning about the __________________ in order to better understand _____________________. I am interested in learning about the __________________ in order to better understand _____________________. Ex: I am interested in learning about the Iranian Revolution in order to better understand the role students played in challenging the state. Ex: I am interested in learning about the Iranian Revolution in order to better understand the role students played in challenging the state.
FORMING YOUR QUESTION Change your statement into a question to guide your research. Change your statement into a question to guide your research. What was the significance of student protests during the Iranian Revolution in leading an effective challenge to the state of Iran?
THE HISTORICAL INVESTIGATION- IN PARTS Topic Statement and Research Question: October 30 th, 2014 Topic Statement and Research Question: October 30 th, 2014 Working Bibliography Due: December 1 st, 2014 Working Bibliography Due: December 1 st, 2014 Part A-- Plan of Investigation – December 16 th, 2014 Part A-- Plan of Investigation – December 16 th, 2014 Part B-- Summary of Evidence – January 12 th, 2015 Part B-- Summary of Evidence – January 12 th, 2015 Part C-- Source Evaluation – February, 23 rd, 2015 Part C-- Source Evaluation – February, 23 rd, 2015 Part D– Analysis –April 30 th, 2015 Part D– Analysis –April 30 th, 2015 Part E– Conclusion – June 8 th, 2015 Part E– Conclusion – June 8 th, 2015 Part F-- Works Cited- June 8 th, 2015 Part F-- Works Cited- June 8 th, 2015 **FINAL PAPER DUE: JUNE 8 TH, 2015 **FINAL PAPER DUE: JUNE 8 TH, 2015