MLA Citation Practice
Book Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. New York: Perennial, (2002).
Book Chapter Dollahite, Nancy E. and Julie Haun. “Building a Paper.” in Sourcework. Boston: Thomson, 2006.
Scholarly Journal Snyder, Nancy. “Revolutionary Suicide in Toni Morrison’s Fiction. African American Review, (2000):
Popular Magazine Poma, Bill. “Land of the Surfing Hippos.” National Geographic, Aug. 2004, 100.
Article from a Website Flintoff, Corey. “Iranian Elections Provide New View into Power Dynamics.” World. (12 Mar 2008).
Article from a Newspaper Porter, Catherine. “How a Family has Reduced its Toxic Footprint.” Toronto Star (16 Mar 2009), E4.
Now Practice Practice proof reading in text citations 1. According to Wong (2001, p. 16), the internet ◦The mistake is that there are two subjects 2. Wong (2001, p. 16) states ◦The mistake is that there are two subjects 3. Wong (2001) states ◦The mistake was that the year of publication was missing 4. Wong (2001, p. 16) states that… ◦The mistake is that “says” is not a strong reporting verb
Practice 5. Wong (2001, p. 16) states that.. ◦The mistake is in the verb state 6. Wong (2001, p. 16) states ◦There are 2 mistakes– using the author’s first initial and no comma before states 7. “The internet is a useful research tool” (Wong, 2001, p. 16). ◦The mistake was that there should be a verb before the author’s name, or the author’s name should be in parentheses. 8. Wong (2001, p. 16) states that the … ◦The mistake is in the use of the verb “claims”– it suggests the possibility of not being correct or accurate. 9. Wong (2001, p. 16) claims ◦The mistake is in using the day and the month with the in text citation.