Oliver North and Iran Contra Kellie Gilmore Period: 7
Oliver North Platoon leader in Vietnam War Began on the National Security Council Deputy director for affairs in Ronald Reagan administration Led Iran Contra operation
Boland Amendments Prohibited Contra aid
Arms to Iran President Ronald Reagan Sold firearms to Iran Designated terrorist state, not allowed In return for possible US hostages to be released Didn’t work, what did he get in return?
Iran Contra 1983 – 1988 Robert McFarlene, John Poindexter, Oliver North McFarlene and Poindexter raised secret funds to aid Contras
Secret funds Oliver North and administration Sold arms to Iran With profit, gave Contra aid Drugs in return
Lebanon newspaper Iran Contra affair was leaked Spread through a Lebanon newspaper Lebanon was the country with the US hostages so they knew about it
Iran Contra hearings "Ronald Reagan knew of and approved a great deal of what went on with both the Iranian initiative and private efforts on behalf of the contras and he received regular, detailed briefings on both.“ –Oliver North
Hearings President Ronald Reagan found for selling arms to Iran Oliver North was fired Poindexter resigned before North claimed to witness Poindexter destroy Reagan’s evidence to case
Aftermath North, indicted on 16 counts, was found guilty by a jury of three minor counts. Poindexter was convicted on several felony counts of conspiracy, lying to congress,