Ron Stewart Chair - AHEAD Instructional Materials Accessibility Group Sean Keegan Office of Accessible Education Stanford University
Infty Reader OCR application that recognizes STEM documents into editable content Can convert to LaTeX, MathML, and XHTML Recognized content may be exported to MS Word 2003/2007 for additional editing
Infty Editor & Chatty Infty Infty Editor is an authoring tool for math expressions Chatty Infty is an extension of Infty Editor that provides speech output of math content
MathType MathType is an equation editor for MS Office Allows equations to be entered into MS Word documents much like the Equation Editor Document with equations can be exported as: Web page with MathML Images (.GIF) TeX/LaTeX
MathPlayer MathType provides export option to create Web pages from MS Word Exported Web pages may contain equations presented as images OR MathML Web pages and equations can be viewed in either Firefox or Internet Explorer (requires MathPlayer)
Assistive Technologies Screen-Reader Dolphin Supernova, Freedom Scientific JAWS, GW Micro Window-Eyes, NVDA Screen-Magnification ZoomText 9, MAGic with Speech, Supernova Reading Systems Dolphin EasyTutor, TextHelp Read & Write Gold (Windows), Claro Read (Windows), Kurzweil 3000 (Windows), WYNN
Sample Workflow Create or edit the equations in MS Word using MathType Export as a Web page using the Publish to MathPage function Choose MathML export Select XHTML+MathML View the page in the appropriate browser
MathDAISY Component for Save As DAISY add-in Converts MathType equations into DAISY compatible format Requires DAISY reader that supports MathML
Thank you Ron Stewart Chair, AHEAD Instructional Materials Group Sean Keegan Office of Accessible Education Stanford University