OVERVIEW OF SESSION & KEY OUTCOMES To clarify the role of the Health & Well Being Board: the responsibility for ensuring adults at risk in Suffolk are Safeguarded.
KEY OUTCOMES 1.To understand the roles and responsibilities of the Safeguarding Adults Board and its’ key priorities. 2.To ensure we apply learning from Winterbourne View & Mid-Staffordshire Hospital (Francis Report) cases here in Suffolk. 3.Key message: “Safeguarding is Everyone's’ Business” – it’s the responsibility of us all.
Safeguarding WHAT DO WE MEAN BY “SAFEGUARDING” Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Psychological/Emotional Abuse Neglect Discrimination Financial Institutional
How we can apply lessons from Winterbourne View and Mid Staffordshire here in Suffolk Winterbourne View – it took a BBC Panorama TV programme to expose systemic abuse of people with Learning Disabilities in publically funded care. Mid-Staffordshire – People died unnecessarily Relatives complaints went unheard
Questions we need to ask How do we know whether things are working properly in hospitals, residential and nursing homes and in people’s own homes (domiciliary care). Example: Closure of a Suffolk Care Home which was unsafe.
Role of Suffolk Safeguarding Adults Board & Core Objectives To ensure that partner agencies are held to account for effectively protecting adults at risk of abuse. Role of the Independent Chair: Needs information/feedback about: Patient/Service User experience Service Performance in social services, police, hospitals, care homes. What are the Risk Areas ? This is still an area for development
Challenges for HWB Board What are the key risk areas? Governance: Are Governing Bodies well- informed?